Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Cycing and Mountain Biking in Manokwari

Manokwari has been a famous destination for people who are interested in hiking or trekking in Arfak mountains and the lowland forest of Pantura. As a matter of fact, this town is also a recommended place for cycling and mountain biking. As a tour guide, I have guided cycling enthusiasts from the United Kingdom, Finland, the United States and the Netherlands on various mountain biking and cycling tours across this tropical regency. Tourists like to take a cycling tour because they can explore the suburban areas of the capital of West Papua province at their own pace economically. 
My recommendations for elderly cyclists are the coastal villages of Manokwari such as Arowi, Abasi and Bakaro. For youngsters, more challenging routes in the jungle with more slopes will be an interesting option. We have a lot of mountain biking routes in this town and its surrounding forests that can be explored by ordinary cyclists and mountain bikers. 
I personally have completed a long route between Bintuni town (in the south of the bird's head region) and Manokwari (in the north of the bird's head region) covering a distance of approximately 300 kilometers. This is a trip that can be accomplished in 3 to 4 days. Experienced mountain bikers can try District Senopi as their destination. 
Because I am a member of MTB Manokwari, it is easy for me to find more bicycles for your cycling tours in Manokwari. Members of the club will lend you their bicycles and can accompany you to explore this beautiful town.
For a one or two day cycling tour in Manokwari, visitors can ride bicycles to Asai or even the Yonsoribo beach and meet local people there. An alternative destination that provides you with scenic view of the coastal villages are cycling routes to Ransiki. For further information, please, read more articles of this blog and contact me. by Charles Roring E-mail: peace4wp@gmail.com

Monday, December 17, 2012

Rainforest Trekking in Manokwari

by Charles Roring
The tropical rainforest in Manokwari is rich of bio-diversity. Birds, insects, reptiles, marsupials, and mammals live in the jungle of Arfak mountains. Tourists who go trekking in Arfak can watch birds of paradise, and cuscus possum which are the most popular attractions. Several species of birdwing butterflies can be found in the jungle too. There are several trekking destinations in Manokwari. Some that I recommend are the jungle of Warmarway in Arfak mountains and Mesirrokow lowland forest in northwest region of Manokwari. Use a good pair of trekking boots, and sleeping bag for exploring the jungle of Manokwari. 

A camp for tourists has been built in Warmarway. It is not easy to reach the camp. Visitors need to walk up steep slopes of Arfak mountains for approximately one hour. Cooking and eating utensils have been prepared by local people to serve the visitors. So, they don't need to bring their own cooking gear. Early in the morning when all the people in Manokwari town are still sleeping, visitors have to wake up to start their journey into the jungle to watch the lesser birds of paradise. They usually start to dance at around 5.45. Trekking route to the dancing site is quite difficult. It is steep and slippery. Visitors need to walk through several small streams of mountainous water that flow down through the granite rocks of Arfak. 
To capture the fleeting moment of the dancing birds, visitors need to bring telephoto D-SLR camera. Today, Nikon have developed super zoom digital camera that is more affordable to travelers. The latest type is the Coolpix P510. It is a telephoto device that sports 42x optical zoom, equivalent to 1,000 mm in 35 mm lens format. Canon also has manufactured a bridge camera with specifications that are higher than the P510. Canon Powershot SX50 has got 50x optical zoom that is equivalent to 1200 mm in 35 mm lens format.
Trekking in Senopi
The toughest destination is District Senopi. The district is located between Manokwari and Sorong. Visitors need to buy enough food, and bring cooking gear if they want to go trekking in District Senopi. The best trekking route in District Senopi is the walking path to Aiwatar hill where visitors can see hundreds of species of birds. Mammals such as deers, and wild pigs and cows can be seen in the jungle. Buy a bottle of mosquito repellent lotion and waterproof tent if you want to stay for several nights in the jungle. Local villagers will be happy to accompany and guide you to Aiwatar.
If you are interested in taking a trekking trip in Manokwari, please, contact me by e-mail: peace4wp@gmail.com or whatsapp message to: +6281332245180. I will be happy to arrange your transportation and accommodation as well as the hiking trip by contacting local people in the mountains to serve you. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Flowers in the Rainforest of West Papua

There are a lot of flowers that we can see while hiking in the jungle of Manokwari. Some have fragrant smell whereas others release stink smell. One species that attracts my attention is the Faradaya splendida. This plant grows on the bank of Dopi river. It has got abundant flowers whose color is white. Anybody who is interested in growing it outside his or her house must provide a lot of water for this plant. I think that the flowers from Faradaya splendida vine can be used as raw material for extracting its essential oil that is good for aroma therapy.
Glory Vine (Faradaya splendida)
Faradaya splendida
Another species that is commonly seen along the edges of the tropical rainforest is the blue bell vine (Thunbergia grandiflora). The vines of blue bell flowers hang on the branches and twigs of trees that are exposed to sunlight. Sometimes they can be found hanging on the twigs of bamboo shrubs that grow near a river.
For coastal region, the most common species that can be seen is hibiscus. They have got white, red, yellow and pink colors. There is another one that is quite unique called Barringtonia asiatica. This hairy flower will develop itself into a seed that is poisonous. Local fishermen use the seed of Barringtonia asiatica to poison fish. Before frying the fish, they will take out its gills and intestines. Barringtonia asiatica flowers come from a big tree that can be found near at the beach along the coastal region of Manokwari.
In the high elevation region such as the Arfak mountains, passion fruit flower vines climb the shrubs and trees that are not far from the local villages. This passion flower whose photograph is shown below is not a native plant from this mountain. Its fruit has got sweet taste. I heard that it was introduced by missionary and local people who went to Wamena (in the Central Mountains of West Papua) and returned to Arfak mountains with the plant.
Below is the picture of Medinilla flowers. I saw these flowers while hiking in the jungle of Arfak mountains particularly on 1400 meters above sea level. The flower species found around this elevation are totally different from the species that usually grow in lowland or coastal region of West Papua.
In addition to Medinilla, some other flowers that attract the attention of visitors are the Rhododendrons.  A few months ago, a student from the United Kingdom visited Arfak mountains to see several species of Rhododendrons. The one that is shown below has got very fragrant smell. Its physical appearance is similar to the above Faradaya splendida. This rhododendron can be found at the top of Mount Syoti (which is part of Arfak mountains and located in Kwau village).
In addition to the above flowers, visitors can also see various kinds of orchid that grow on the branches of big trees of the tropical rainforest of Manokwari. Some of them have got medicinal merit and are used by the indigenous people to cure their diseases or wounds. by Charles Roring
Also read:

Friday, November 2, 2012

River Tour in the Wetland Forest of West Papua

by Charles Roring
The southern region of West Papua is dominated by wetland. Early this year, I made an exploratory trip to Kais village in South Sorong regency. I went there by boat from Teminabuan town. It took more than 6 hours to reach the village. Most of the trees that grow on both sides of the rivers are nypa palm, mangroves and other plants that can live in the swampy areas. It was nice to be there. I could feel that I was very closed to nature. 
No tourists have reached Kais village and I plan to put it into my list of rainforest tour destinations that I regularly promote on the internet. Anybody who is interested in traveling to Kais has to be able to adapt to the living condition that he or she will experience in the village. In other words, he or she has to be an adventurous person. There is no toilet. Tourist need to go into the bush for that purpose. 
Abundant wildlife
Birds such as pigeons, cockatoo, hornbills, eagles, kingfisher can easily be seen in the morning whereas deers and boars live in the dry land in the jungle. Visitors will beautiful birds during your river tour from Teminabuan to Kais. A good pair of binoculars is recommended if you want to watch them. Although you can swim in the waters near the village, you MUST NOT swim in the rivers that are far from the village because of there are crocodiles. 
Things to Bring
Here are essential things that every tourist needs to bring before traveling to Kais village: food, medicines, bottled water, anti insect repellent lotion, GPS, torch or flash, sleeping bag, photographic/ digiscoping equipment with some extra batteries. You also need ziplock to cover your electronic devices while you walk in the jungle or have a river tour. Don't forget to buy extra gasoline for the boat when you are still in Sorong town. The availability of gasoline is very important for your trip to Kais. If you buy it in Teminabuan the price will be double. 
Recommended Bridge Camera
For those who want to take pictures of nature and the wildlife using a light but powerful camera, I suggest that they buy Nikon Coolpix P510 or Canon SX 50HS. They are powerful bridge camera that are affordable to most travelers. Serious photographers will choose more expensive D-SLR photographic device.
How to get there?
  • First, fly from your country to Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia
  • Second, take a domestic flight served by one of these Indonesian airlines (Lion Air, Sriwijaya Air, Express Air, and Batavia Air) to Sorong city.
  • Bring Go to the 4WD pick up truck terminal in the town whose trucks regularly go to Teminabuan
  • Then you can go to Kais village by boat. The local government of South Sorong regency is planning to construct road from Teminabuan to Kais. Hopefully, in the next few years, visitors can go there by car.
Local guide
Sometimes, organizing trips can be difficult for you I can arrange your trip from Sorong to Kais and contact local people to provide such services as driving the boat, and preparing villager's house for accommodation. I can also guide you to the village if you are willing to pay for my service. Here is my e-mail: peace4wp@gmail.com

Related article: 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hiking in the tropical rainforest

Are you interested in hiking in tropical rainforest? If yes, then you need to read this post. I have guided a lot of tourists to various places in the jungle of New Guinea. I live in Manokwari, the capital of West Papua province. It is a recommended town for anybody who wants to explore the rainforest of this tropical island. New Guinea is the largest tropical island in the world. Its rainforest is the natural habitat of such animals as birds of paradise, tree kangaroo and deers.
Hiking and Camping Destinations
Senopi - This village is located between Manokwari and Sorong regencies. Now, it is a district in Tambrauw mountains. This is a highly recommended destination for visitors who want to go hiking and camping in the tropical rainforest. Birds of Paradise, Goliath Cockatoo, Deers and Cuscus are the animals that visitors may see while walking in the jungle of Senopi. When I and Wim (a Belgium tourist) along Kamundan river, we saw deers running into the woods. It was a fantastic experience for us after watching birds in Aiwatar hill.
Asai - This is a relatively new destination for hikers. Located in the north coast of Manokwari, Asai river is a nice place to watch Blyth's hornbills, and Sulphur Crested Cockatoo. Bring a tent if you want to stay in the jungle. Asai is also a nice place for tourists who want to do some snorkeling over its coral reef area.
Warmarway - Lesser Birds of Paradise live in the tropical rainforest of Warmarway. This is a small village that is located in the eastern coast of Arfak mountains. You can go there by public transporation. The slopes are quite steep so, you need to be physically fit to go there. Tents and cooking equipment have been prepared for tourists. So, you only need to buy food for you and the guides and porters for your hiking trip in the jungle.
Dopi river
This is a hiking destination that is not far from Manokwari. Visitors can do day trips and do not need to stay in the jungle. Apply insect repellent lotion all over your body before walking in the jungle.
I work as guide who arrange trips (including transportation, accommodation, food, and indigenous people as local guides) for tourists who want to go hiking in the tropical rainforest of West Papua. If I am not available for servicing you, I can contact other guides to accompany you traveling in Manokwari.

How to get there?
It's not difficult to go to Manokwari. First, you need to fly from your town or city to Jakarta. Then you can take a flight to Manokwari. Airlines that provide flight service between Jakarta and Manokwari are Lion Air, Sriwijaya Air and Express Air.

What I need to bring and wear?
Bring binoculars or digiscoping device if you want to watch birds or other animals that live in the trees. A GPS is also needed if you want to explore the jungle for several days. Wear sport shoes or hiking boots that are resistant to water. Put all your clothes and photographic equipment in a bagpack.

Travel Permit
Prepare photocopy of passport, visa and 2 pcs of recent photographs. You need them to get a surat jalan (or travel permit) from the local police in Manokwari.
Here is my e-mail: peace4wp@gmail.com if you want to make a hiking trip in the tropical rainforest of Manokwari.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Rainforest Animals in Manokwari

There are a lot of animals that we can see while hiking and camping in the tropical rainforest of Manokwari. Deer, cuscus, bandicoot, and kangaroo are mammals that have been hunted by the indigenous Papuan people. Since they are nocturnal, they usually go out a night to find food. Most of these animals are the source of food for the indigenous Papuan who live in the coastal and interior regions. Hunters usually kill them by using traditional weapons such as bow and arrows, spears and machete.
There are two kinds of hunting techniques which the hunters use to catch the animals. First, by going into the jungle and search the animals in every possible place that they can find them. When they are able to approach the animal, for instance: a deer, they will shoot it with a bow and arrow. Then, they will cut it into smaller pieces and bring them back to their village. The second technique is by setting up traps. Papuan hunters are experts in setting up traps. They can make tens of traps in certain areas of the jungle. Then they will leave them for 2 or 3 days. When they return to the forest again, they will check the traps one by one. They often see that the caught animal is still alive. So, they have to kill it.
Besides mammals, other animals that live in the jungle are birds, snakes, lizards, and colorful insects such as birdwing butterflies and eupholus beetles.
Nowadays, animals are facing extinction not because of the traditional hunting but the deforestation. Huge acres of Papuan forest are being cut and converted into monoculture-plantation. This kind of practice, pose more threats to the whole ecosystem of rainforest than traditional hunting. Therefore, the cutting of tropical ranforest has to be stopped now! If it is not stopped, this precious ecosystem will severely be destroyed and damaged. Animals will not be able to find food and die. By preserving rainforest, the bio-diversity in the jungle will be protected and it is able to supply food and medicines to the indigenous Papuan people depend on it. by Charles Roring

Friday, October 19, 2012

Rainforest Tour in Dopi River of Manokwari

I have written some articles about rainforest tour in West Papua especially in Manokwari regency. This time, I want to talk about tours in Dopi. It is a river around 2 hour on foot from Manokwari city. Tropical trees and shrubs that grow on both sides of river are the natural habitat for various species of birds including pygmy parrots, lesser birds of paradise, hornbills and hawk.
Because Dopi is quite close from but untouched by city dwellers of Manokwari, it is a nice destination for budget travellers who want to experience or see the ecosytem of tropical rainforest by staying in the jungle for several nights. On my efforts to reduce the hunting of endangered animals, I try to recruit the indigenous Papuan to work as guides and porters. They know every corner of the jungle so they can give you accurate information about the time when hornbills fly back to trees where they usually sleep in.
From my previous tours in Dopi river, I saw birds of paradise dancing on the branches of trees and snake moving on the ground. Insect lovers will find that Dopi river is a must see place to photograph colorful butterflies, beetles or cicada. Male cicada is a unique insect that creates noisy sounds to attract female cicada for mating. His mating sound can be heard from several hundreds away.
The tropical rainforest near Dopi river is also the natural habitat of tikus tanah (literally mean ground mouse). But scientifically, it is called bandicoot. The marsupial animal like to eat small fruits that come out of the roots of a tree trunk just above the ground. Birds such as the beautiful fruit dove also like the fruits.
Visitors who plan to go hiking in the rainforest of Dopi river must wear proper hiking boots that are light, comfortable and strong enough for walking for at least four hours. Two camps have been built for tourists who want to stay for several nights. Here is my email: peace4wp@gmail.com that you could send email to if you are interested in taking a hiking tour in Camp Dopi . by Charles Roring
Dopi is the tributary of Pami river. The river flows to the north coast of Manokwari. So, it is important to keep the rivers clean while trekking through the rivers by not throwing any plastic wastes into the water to protect the coral reef in the region.
Related article Hiking and Birdwatching in Dopi river

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Rainforest Preservation through Ecotourism

Rainforest is an important ecosystem that we must preserve. It is home to thousands of species of plants and animals. Rainforest is also the source of food and firewood for villagers or indigenous people. All of us depend on the rainforest for its function in absorbing CO2 gases and releasing Oxygen. We can get fresher air and cleaner drinking water if our forests are in good condition.
I have been working on the preservation of tropical rainforest in West Papua through ecotourism since 2010. This ecotourism program is aiming at providing alternative jobs to the indigenous people in Manokwari. To reduce the hunting of birds of paradise, I hire hunters to work as hiking and birding guide. When birdwatchers come to Manokwari to see lesser birds of paradise, they will be guided by these hunters. Other eco-tourism activities that attractive to foreign tourists are hiking and snorkeling. These activities can be combined in a one week tour program in Manokwari regency.
Since the number of tourists who come to Manokwari town is still low, promotional articles like the ones in this blog will be useful to introduce this eco-tourism scheme to anybody who reads them. There are a lot of things that I must do to improve our services in supporting tourists while they go hiking and birding in the tropical rainforest of Manokwari. Some of them are providing basic English course and guiding etiquette.
I also hope that the local government will support this ecotourism innitiative by helping us build better accommodation for visitors and building better roads to all of the hiking and birding destinations.
Contact me by sending email to: peace4wp@gmail.com if you want to take a rainforest tour in Manokwari.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Mangrove Forest in South Sorong Regency

I made an exploratory rainforest tour in Kais village of South Sorong regency early this year. My initial intention was to assess whether the region is a suitable destination for rainforest tour program. I went to Kais village. It was quite expensive to go there but I did not regret of going to Kais. I went there by boat. The wetland of South Sorong regency was covered with hundreds of kilometers of mangrove forest and hundreds of big and small rivers. I saw a lot of birds including the Blyth's hornbills, brahminy kite, fruit doves, and sulphur crested cockatoo. I saw bats hanging in the leaves of nipa palm trees. The bio-diversity of this mangrove forest is very high. Shrimp is abundant in the river. It was much easier to catch them than fish. The mangrove forest in South Sorong regency of West Papua province was perhaps the largest mangrove eco-sytem in South East Asia. The dry land of Kais was also covered with pristine rainforest. Visitors can go hiking in the jungle guided by the villagers. I asked the villagers in Kais whether some tourists or birdwatchers had visited the area or not. They said, "no."
Guided Rainforest Tour with Charles Roring
Mangrove Forest in South Sorong Regency
District Kais was a small village. Its population was less than 500 people. I stayed there for 2 nights and returned to Teminabuan early in the morning. On the way back to the town, I saw a bird that I could not identify. I used Birds of New Guinea to match the name of bird with the picture that I took from my rainforest trips. Well, I call it: Kais Black Bittern
Kais Black Bittern
Please, look at the following Google Earth Map which I have modified by adding the names of towns. District Kais is the one below Teminabuan town with small red dot.
Charles Roring trip to Sorong Selatan
Approximate location of District Kais
If you are interested in taking a rainforest tour for seeing unique plants, as well as watching birds and wildlife, please, contact me by email to peace4wp@gmail.com or by whatsapp to +6281332245180.
Mangrove is an important part of coastal marine environment especially in tropical region. Coral reef that is near mangrove area will have higher fish stock than the one that is far from the mangrove forest. 

Also read:

Thursday, September 27, 2012

3 Hiking and Camping Trip Destinations in West Papua

As a tour guide, I have accompanied a lot of tourists on various hiking and camping trips in West Papua. From all of the outdoor adventure trips destinations that I have done, there are three places that I like the most.

  1. Aiwatar hill - It is still placed on the top list of the hiking and camping trip destinations that I recommend it for you. It is located in District Senopi. To reach the hill, you need to fly to Manokwari city and continue your trip by airplane to District Kebar. After that, you can walk or hitchhike a truck to District Senopi. The next morning, if you are fit enough to walk, you can leave the village for the hill. It takes around five hours walking through the jungle and crossing rivers to get to Aiwatar. The scenery of the tropical rainforest with some big and small rivers will make you feel that you are in the middle of nowhere. During your hiking trip in the rainforest of Senopi, you may be able to see deers, birds of paradise, ornate lory, goliath cockatoo, kangaroo,  and various other animals live in the region. 
  2. Asai  - This hiking and camping trip destination is located in the north coast of Manokwari regency. The tropical rainforest of Asai is rich of bio diversity. It is the natural habitat of cuscus, sulphur crested cockatoo and snakes. As you walk deeper into the jungle, you will see more birds, and unique plants. You will be surrounded by green vegetation. Don't forget to bring sleeping bag and waterproof camping tent if you want to stay for several nights at the bank of Asai river.  In addition to hiking, cycling from Manokwari town to Asai village is also possible to be carried out by travelers. I personally have done it twice. On the average, a cyclist needs four hours to reach Asai. Before leaving the town, the cyclist needs to check all the gear mechanism and tires of his or her bike are in good working order.
  3. Camp Dopi of Inggramui forest - This is a hiking tour destination that is not far from Manokwari city. So, it is the cheapest place to go compared to the above destinations. I have guided European and American tourists to Dopi river. Blyth's hornbills usually fly above our heads when we walk through the stream of the river. If you spend at least one night camping at the bank of Dopi river, you will have the opportunity to go to the dancing site of the lesser birds of paradise. Monitor lizards, kangaroo and deers live in the jungle of this river too. You may see them while hiking through the rainforest of Dopi river. If you want to watch birds of paradise, don't forget to bring a pair of binoculars or telephoto camera with extra batteries.
For all of your hiking and camping trips in this tropical rainforest of West Papua, bring tent. If you take a tour from me, the tent will be provided by me. If you decide to bring your own tent, it has to be water resistant. The material should be light. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hiking and Birdwatching in Dopi river of Manokwari

Dopi river is a recommended site for travelers who want to go hiking and birdwatching in Manokwari. The paths are not steep but long enough to be explored from sunrise until sunset. I have conducted several hiking, camping and birdwatching trips in Dopi river since last year. There is abundant avifauna activities in the jungle on both sides of the river including: Longtailed Honey Buzzard, Variable Goshawk, Brahminy Kite, Common Sandpiper, Beautiful Fruit-dove, Pinon Imperial Pigeon, Palm Cockatoo, Sulphur Crested Cockatoo and a lot more.

There are two camps that have been built for tourists who want to stay for several nights in the jungle. To see birds and more wildlife of tropical rainforest, I highly recommend that you stay for at least 2 nights in our camps. Although there are abundant bird life in the rainforest around Dopi river, they are not the only animals that you can see. Snakes, deers, cuscus, kangaroos, and boars live in that jungle too. Butterflies often visit our camp when we enjoy our lunch. 
The average cost for hiking and bird watching trip in Dopi river is around 85 US dollars/day. Don't forget to bring insect repellent lotion, and blanket or sleeping bag. We can provide mosquito net if you don't have one. We have got cooking utensils, and rechargeable lamps to serve you in our camps during the hiking and camping tours. We also grow bananas, vegetables around the camps to make sure that we will always have fresh ingredients in our food. Please, contact us by e-mail to peace4wp@gmail.com if you are interested in taking a hiking and camping trip in Dopi river. by Charles Roring 
Here are some birwatching scopes that you can order from Amazon online store to watch birds or other wild animals in the jungle.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Watching Birds of Paradise in the jungle of Arfak mountains

Walking up the steep slopes of Arfak mountains was a tough experience for Simon and Sofie. That morning I picked them up at Swiss-Belhotel of Manokwari. We left the hotel at 4 a.m. It took around 1 hour by car to reach Warmarway village and another fifteen minutes to reach Warkapi beach - the starting point where we would walk up steep slopes through the tropical jungle of New Guinea to watch the lesser birds of paradise. This is perhaps the most famous species in the avian world.
Rain and slippery paths did not discourage us. We stopped several times under the canopies of the tropical trees and bamboos. Behind us was the sounds of waves from Cendrawasih bay. The waves were landing on Warkapi beach around 400 meters below us. It was 6 a.m. we still had to climb more slopes for around one hour to reach the dancing site of the birds of paradise. If the weather is good, male birds of paradise usually fly to some trees at a cliff of Warkapi to perform courtship dance and show off their beautiful feather to attract female birds of paradise.
We arrived at the trees at around 7.15 a.m. They had been dancing for one hour. I could see some female birds flying over our heads to chase the female birds. Some jumped from one branch to another. It was perhaps the first and the only experience which Simon and Sofie had to watch the birds of paradise in their habitat. I did not shoot the birds of paradise that morning because my telephoto camera had been broken since my last visit to Iris strait. But I still have got some pictures of these birds that I took in the same spot when I guided two Spanish tourists last year. The above picture is one of them. Birds of paradise and other tropical birds in the jungle of New Guinea play very important role in supporting the ecosystem of tropical rainforest. They disperse seeds from the fruits which they ate. Some species of smaller birds help the pollination of flowers.
Every birdwatcher needs optical devices such as telephoto camera to see birds or animals in high trees.
Longer Stay
In addition to watching paradise birds, visitors can also see other birds such as Blyth's hornbills, Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, Black Capped Lory, and other birds that make Arfak mountains as their natural habitat. At night, visitors may see cuscus possum and Papuan frogmouth (a kind of owl) if they do jungle walk guided by local villagers.
This is a unique hiking and birdwatching package that I offer to tourists who want to see tropical rainforest with big trees, bamboos, palms and any plants that grow in Arfak mountains. Please, contact me by e-mail to peace4wp@gmail.com for reservation. by Charles Roring
Also read: Birdwatching in Aiwatar Hill of District Senopi

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Trekking the Pami river

A few days ago, I guided three tourists on a full day trekking trip in Pami river. While walking through the river, we saw some Blyth's hornbills whose wing span can reach a length of around 1.5 meters. Their wings created fluttering sounds when they flew over the canopy of the tropical trees. We also saw sulphur crested cockatoos that quacked many times when they saw us walking up the stream.

The tour program is created to introduce the natural beauty of the tropical rainforest in Manokwari regency to anybody who wants to see or experience it. You have to be physically fit to buy this full day tour. Wear water shoes (usually used by scuba divers) to walk in the water.  Please, contact me by email: peace4wp@gmail.com for detailed itinerary and rates. by Charles Roring

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Adventure Tour in Triton bay of Kaimana

I went to Kaimana town last week. This town is famous for its sunset. I accompanied a Canadian who wanted to see the Iris strait, Bitsyari bay and Triton bay. The waters between Cape Bitsyari and Namatota island is the site for watching whaleshark. The landscape and seascape of Triton are very beautiful. I saw various species of birds (including Blyth's hornbills, sulphur crested cockatoo, black butcher bird, bats), butterflies and fish.
The waters of Bitsyari bay, Triton bay and Iris strait have got tens of sites covered with pristine coral reef and thousands of species of fish including the whale sharks and the Triton bay's endemic walking shark Hemiscyllium henryi.
White Sandy beach in Iris Strait of Kaimana
Looking at these pictures, you will think that they are worth visiting. Yes, you should go there if you are planning a trip to West Papua of Indonesia. You can swim at a river or at a secluded white sandy beach where no other tourists around. Or you can walk through the tropical jungle of Aiduma island. Don't forget to bring mosquito repellent lotion and tents.
How to get there?
If you want to visit Kaimana, please, contact me first by email.
After that I will make a calculation of the budget based on the duration of the tour and places that you want to visit. When you agree with the cost, you could transfer the money to me so that I could make preparation of the trip for you.
Fly from your country to Jakarta, after that continue your trip by flying to Ambon. Garuda, and Lion Air (Wings Air) have got flights to Kaimana.
Sunset in Triton Bay of
Kaimana regency West Papua
You will always remember Kaimana after having a trip to the region. You could travel alone as a single visitor or travel as a group at least 4 people to share the cost of boat and accommodation.
Raja Ampat Snorkeling Tour
I also offer snorkeling and sightseeing tour to Raja Ampat islands where visitors can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the landscape and the underwater marine environment of the regency.
There are two different itineraries:
  • The first one goes to Kri - Mansuar - Kabui bay or The Passage - Pianemo.
  • The second one goes to northeast Raja Ampat, particularly to Yenbekaki - Warebar river - Yenandau beach - Mamiaef island - Dolphins lagoon
Don't forget to bring snorkeling mask, fins, and underwater camera if you want to take the tour.
So, please, contact me by e-mail to peace4wp@gmail.com if you want to go there. After visiting Kaimana, you could continue your trip to other places in West Papua such as Sorong for jungle tour in Klasow valley. by Charles Roring

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Thai tourists Hiking in Manokwari


The highland of Minahasa is a beautiful destination for tourists who love nature. Tourists can enjoy walking through the villages, hills and valleys of farmlands as well as mountains that are covered by rainforest. 
hiking in Minahasa highland
District town of Sonder, its forest and farmland
Flying Routes
Visitors need to fly from their countries to Manado city. After that they can continue their trip by car to Tomohon town and District Sonder. 
flight to Manado city
Flight to Manado city

Hiking in Minahasa highland
Land route from Manado city to District town of Sonder - the destination of walking tour
Sonder is a small district town that is formed by some small villages. Most of the villagers work as farmers. Visitors can explore these villages, and their agricultural lands. Farmers grow rice, corn, sweet potatoes, banana, taro, cassava that are the staple food of people in eastern region of Indonesia. They also plant cabbage, mustard green, carrot, tomatoes, chilli, spring onion, papaya, rambutan and a lot of other crops which they sell to cities and towns around North Sulawesi province of Indonesia. 
birds of Sulawesi
Some birds in Minahasa

hiking tour in Minahasa highland
Birds (Barred Rail, Purple Heron, Eastern Yellow Wagtail, Cattle Egret) and terraces of paddy fields in Minahasa highland
In addition to seeing villages and farmland, visitors who do the walking tour can also enjoy birdwatching and butterflywatching. Ecologically, District town of Sonder is surrounded by mountains, and hills that are covered by green vegetation. It also has got paddy fields and agricultural land. This is a great place to enjoy birdwatching. 
Visitors can bring binoculars and camera during their birding walk. They can watch a lot of birds such as Sooty-headed Bulbul, Collared Kingfisher, Pale Blue Monarch, Maroon-chinned Fruit Dove, Sulawesi Cuckoo Dove, Crimson Sunbird, Sahul Sunbird, Black-fronted White-eye, Warbling White-eye, White-breasted Woodswallow, and a lot more. 
butterflies of Minahasa
The Clipper, Lime Swallowtail, Gigon Swallowtail, Sacred Tabby, Great Eggfly Butterflies
For butterflies, they can see Lime Swallowtail, Common Birdwing, Gigon Swallowtail, The Clipper, Blanchard's Ghost, Blandchard's Wood, Manado Yellow Tiger butterflies. In Minahasa highland, flowers grow well. They attract butterflies. 
walking tour in North Sulawesi
Hiking, sightseeing, and birdwatching in Minahasa highland of Indonesia
The paths for walking tours are paved with asphalt or concrete. So, the walking tour will be an easy one and suitable for anyone of all ages. 
If you are interested in taking a hiking tour in Minahasa highland and want me to organize your trip and guide you, please, contact me (Charles Roring) by email to: peace4wp@gmail.com or by whatsapp to: +6281332245180.

Thai Tourist Hiking in Manokwari
Most of the tourists who visit Manokwari come from Europe, the United States and Australia. They usually go hiking in Arfak mountains and the northern coast of Manokwari. This month, I received some guests from Asia. From 4 to 6 August, I accompanied 4 Thai tourists. I
 guided them on a 3-day land tour hiking along Asai river, Arfak mountains and Mansinam island. We watch Blyth's hornbill, bowerbird and birdwing butterflies. Birdwatching is an interesting activity. Visitors need to bring telephoto camera or a pair of binoculars to watch birds that usually perch on the branches of tall trees. The best times to watch birds are in the morning and in the afternoon. Don't forget to apply insect repellent lotion all over your body to protect you from insect bites.
After the land tour, they would continue their trip with a Komodo liveboard for diving in Cendrawasih bay. Komodo liveboard also operates in Raja Ampat. Tourists from ASEAN countries do not need VISA to enter Indonesia. ASEAN stands for the Association of South East Asian Nations. It was established in Bangkok Thailand in 1967.
I also guided 5 American tourists between 7-10 June 2012 on a 4-day/3-night trekking and camping tour in Arfak mountains. Then they continued their tour by Komodo liveboard on a diving trip in Cendrawasih bay.
While hiking in Arfak mountains we saw several species of birdwing butterflies such as the Ornithoptera rothschildi, Ornithoptera goliath, and Ornithoptera priamus. They made plenty of photographs about the butterflies. 

If you are interested in taking a wildlife tour in Sausapor, Klabili, Sorong city as well as Raja Ampat islands, Minahasa highland in North Sulawesi, you could contact by whatsapp at the above number.