Saturday, August 24, 2013

Trekking and Watching Paradise Birds in Arfak Mountains

Jungle Tour
I woke up at 4 a.m. It was still dark when I asked Yunus Sayori, our field guide from Warmarway village, to boil some water. I and Kathrin would go trekking this morning to watch Lesser Birds of Paradise. We were in the jungle of Arfak mountains that has been popular among birdwatchers who want to watch various species of birds of paradise. For hundreds of years Lesser Birds of Paradise (Paradisaea minor) have been hunted by Papuan people who sell the skins to collectors. Some are used in head decoration for traditional dances and rituals.
When the hot water is ready, I woke Kathrin up and asked her to drink coffee. At around 5.15 a.m. we left our camp that was located in the middle of the tropical jungle for the birding ground. Since it was still dark, we brought flashlight. We had to walk up steep slopes and crossed a stream. While we were about to cross the stream, we were surprised by a fast moving white snake that were running away from us. It was also surprised to see us. White snake is very venomous reptile.
The sun was about to rise on the East when we reached the birding ground. Male Lesser Birds of Paradise had been calling female birds. Slowly the morning light got brighter. A lot of mosquitoes were flying around us. I forgot to bring my repellent lotion. We had to be patient with this situation.
Itwas hard to spot the birds as they constantly jumping from one branch to another in high trees. Finally, one of them landed on a branch above my head. He was there for less than one minute but I was able to shoot him using my compact camera - Nikon coolpix P500 (see the above picture).
After watching paradise birds for 3 hours, we returned to our camp. The Papuan children from Warmarway village (Yosias, Magdalena, Yunita, and ...) had finished cooking breakfast for that morning. We really enjoyed the food that they prepared.

We could take some pictures of this beautiful bird. Lesser Birds of Paradise (Paradisaea minor) usually live in the lower montane forest.
Visitors who want to watch the paradise birds need to stay in the camp that is provided for tourists by the villagers.
Trekking in the tropical rainforest of Arfak mountains is only suitable for visitors who like adventure.

Sea Tour
In addition to jungle tour, as a tourist guide, I can organize a snorkeling tour for visitors who are interested in seeing reef fish and coral reef of Manokwari. Bring your own snorkeling gear such as mask, snorkel, and fins before taking this tour. We will explore the waters of Dore bay to see striped surgeonfish, convict surgeon fish, lion fish, anemonefish, urchin, damselfish and sea star.
The usual duration of jungle tour and snorkeling tour is between 5 to 7days.
Please, contact me by email to if you are interested take this tour. This article is written by Charles Roring
Also read:
Rainforest Tour in Sorong regency

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Rainforest Tour along Dopi River of Manokwari regency

The tropical rainforest along Dopi river is located on the west of Manokwari town. To reach the river, we need to walk for around 3 hours. There is a camp at the bank of the river that is usually used by foreign visitors when they go trekking and camping in the lowland rainforest of Manokwari. 
Wild animals such as kangaroo, deers, wild pigs, casuari, possums, monitor lizards (soa-soa) snakes, cuscus may be seen in the jungle around Dopi river if visitors camp there for several nights. 
The rainforest of Dopi are also home to a lot of species of lowland birds. Two Swedish birdwatchers spent 3 days birding along the river. They were able to see some species which they wrote in the following list:
Longtailed Honey Buzzard
Variable Goshawk
Brahminy Kite

Common Sandpiper

Beautiful Fruit-dove
Pinon Imperial Pigeon

Palm Cockatoo
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo

Rainbow Lorikeet
Pesquet Parrot (endangered species)
Yellowcapped Pygmy-parrot
Moluccan King Parrot

White-eared Bronzed-cuckoo
Jungle Hawk Owl

Marbled Frogmouth

Azure kingfisher
Rufous-bellied Kookabara

Papuan (Blyth's) hornbill

Black Sunbird
Yellow bellied longbill
Pygmy longbill

Olivecrowned (Papuan) Flowerpecker
Spangled drongo
Hooded Butherbird

Lesser Birds of Paradise

Yellow Faced Myna

Birds are usually active early in the morning and before sunset.
I have guided a lot of tourists along the river of Dopi on a number of rainforest tours since several years ago. They came from France, England, Australia, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United States. Some visited the rainforest just to enjoy walking in the tropical jungle while others went there to see birds, flowers and various species of trees, flowers, and green plants.
Terrestrial orchids can be seen growing on the mountain just 1-hour walk from Dopi river. They have got red, pink, and white colors. African tulip (Spathodea campanulata) blooms out of the branches of tall trees. They can easily be recognized by their orange color. Another flower that attracts the attention of visitors is Glory Vine (Varadaya splendida). It release fragrant smell. This vine plants grows near the bank of Dopi river. Ylang-ylang plants also grow in the forest. The extracted oil from the flowers are highly valued by beauticians and natural therapists around the world.
Trekking and Camping
The best way to experience the nature is by staying fore several nights at the bank of the river. Two camps have been built on separate locations in the jungle which visitors can use. Accompanied by our local guides, visitors can walk in the mornings, in the afternoons and at nights to explore the rainforest and see various species of animals that live in the rainforest. Most often, the sounds of birds can clearly be heard while visitors swim or take a bath at the river.
We have prepared cooking gear for visitors so they don't have to bring pan, plates, or glasses. This rainforest tour program is prepared by Charles Roring to help local people get some money from their efforts in preserving the tropical rainforest of Dopi river. 
For trekking, camping and birdwatching at Dopi river, please contact me by e-mail:

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Birding in Arfak Mountains

The mountain range of Arfak is a nature reserve in the south of Manokwari that has been famous as a favorite destination for birdwatchers. I guided Professor Richard Ebright from 18 to 20 July 2013 on a birding tour in a cloud forest of the range. The professor was not doing research works. He came here as a tourist who wanted to watch birds of paradise in Arfak mountains.
When we were walking and watching birds, we saw several birds that have got outstanding characteristics such as:

  • Vogelkop Bowerbird that decorates his "palace" or bower with beautiful flowers, snail shells, fruits and other colorful articles. He made his bower from twigs.
  • Male Western Parotia (Parotia sefilata) that dances like a ballerina to seduce his female bird. Male Western Parotia does not have feather as elaborate as Lesser Birds of Paradise but his "ballet dance" is really fantastic. 
  • Magnificent Birds of Paradise that displays his beautiful feather, expand his chest and plays his sickle like tail antennas to attract his female birds.
In order to see these unique and beautiful birds of New Guinea, we had to wait for each of them in dark hides/ blinds that were cold, and full of mosquitoes. Each of the above species has its separate dancing or courtship ground. On the average we needed to spend 3 to 5 hours to see each bird came to the respected dancing ground. Our long waiting and boring bore excellent results. We were able to make videos and photographs of the birds. We also saw other interesting birds that came to or landed on the ground where Western Parotia would dance. They were Cinnamon Ground Dove and Spotted Catbird. There were to other small birds that I could not identify.
The Cinnamon Ground Dove ate grains that fell onto the surface of the ground. When we were waiting for the male Western Parotia to dance, it was the Cinnamon bird that came first. Naturally male Western Parotia has got dancing skills that he uses to perform beautiful dances that look so beautiful. I hope that there will be a choreographer that can develop or create a human dance after the Western Parotia's dance so more people can enjoy it.
After exploring the dense, wet and cold forest of Arfak range for 3 days, finally I and Prof. Richard Ebright had to return to Manokwari. He could continue his trip to Cendrawasih Bay going on board of MV. Dewi Nusantara. He would scuba dive in the bay to see pristine coral reef of West Papua as well as swim with whaleshark.
Before getting on the car, I, Prof. Ebright and some Papuans from Kwau village posed for some pictures. Some of the villagers are university students who study in Papua University. They work as local guides, cooks and porters in this eco-tourism program. The money that they earn is very valuable for them in supporting their study. So, I am very happy to see that my eco-tours in Manokwari and West Papua can bring positive impacts to the education of Papuan youths.
The birding site is in the slopes of Mount Soyti (one of the mountains of Arfak range) in the territory of Kwau village. This area is located between 1,300 to 1,500 meters above sea level. Visitors need to hire a 4WD pick-up truck such as Toyota Hilux or Ford Ranger to reach the tropical cloud forest that covers Mount Soyti. It takes around 2 hours from the city of Manokwari to reach the forest. For further info, please contact me Charles Roring/ E-mail:

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

One Night in Arfak mountains

After trekking for 10 hours in the lowland forest along Pami river, the next morning I and the 3 French tourists continued their trip to upper montane forest of Arfak mountains. They were Paul, Sophie and Stephanie. We left Manokwari early in the morning hoping to reach the forest of Kwau village at around 6 a.m. so that we would be able to watch vogelkop bowerbird seducing his female birds. The 4WD pick-up truck that was carrying us was driven by Goris. He drove the Toyota Hilux too fast. Unfortunately, the driver made a mistake. By accident he drove the truck into a ditch that was covered by thick grass. We had to put granite stones into the ditch to help the driver pulled the car out of it. The car could not arrive on time.
Fortunately, when these French guests went to watch the vogelkop bowerbird (Amblyornis innornatus), they were able to see it. In the afternoon, they were able to watch Western Parotia (Parotia sefilata) whose male bird dances like a ballerina. They were lucky because not all of the guests who visited Arfak range saw the bird. Well, because the one that dances is a male bird, the right term might be dancer or danseur. What is a male ballet dancer called? balletmen or ballerino :-)
At night, the temperature dropped. I saw the French women put on thick clothing. It is funny to see European wear several layers of clothing. Perhaps, they are not use to cold temperature anymore because they have been living in Bali for more than five years. They are scuba divers who are attracted to the beauty of coral reef of Indonesia. All of us went to bed at around 8 a.m. in order to wake up early in the morning to watch the Magnificent birds of paradise.
They did a very long walking tour in the jungle. They fell to the ground, experienced bruises on their feet and become exhausted at the end of the trip. But they said that they really liked the rainforest tour. I am really grateful for their support in my eco-tourism program that is aimed at preserving rainforest and empowering the indigenous people of Papua. by Charles Roring/ E-mail:

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Trekking in the jungle of Manokwari

Also read:
The best way to explore the wealth of tropical rainforest is by walking through it. Last week, I guided 3 French tourists on a 3-day trekking tour in the jungle of Manokwari. In the first day of the trips, we explored the lowland forest along Pami river. It was a long walk. We started at 9.30 a.m and finished at 18.30 p.m. The French tourists were tough and they were able to complete the whole journey that day. They were Anne, Stephanie and Paul. 
They saw beautiful scenery of forest when walking through Pami river. Very few tourists had experienced this trip. The purpose of the trip was to see the complex ecosystem of the tropical rainforest. While walking, they were able to see various species of trees, butterflies and birds. The most significant bird was Blyth's hornbill that frequently flies over the canopy of the forest. 
The next day, the walking tour program was continued to higher elevation forest between 1,300 to 1,500 meters above sea level where the French tourists would watch several birds of paradise such as Western Parotia (Parotia sefilata), Magnificent Birds of Paradise (Cicinnurus Magnificus). Another unique bird that was called as the king of seduction was Vogelkop bowerbird (Amblyornis innornatus). They were able to see all of them although only had a small glance of the Magnificent one. While sitting in the blind to watch the birds, they also saw a Cinnamon fruit dove. 
The last day of the trekking journey was completed after they had a long walk from the guesthouse at the foot of Mt. Soyti to Kwau village. They were thrilled by the panorama of Arfak range when walking down the steep slopes that overlooked the village. 
Arfak range has been a favorite destination among tourists who visit West Papua. Anybody who wants to book this trekking program has to be physically fit. If you are interested in trekking in the lowland and highland forests of Manokwari, please contact me (Charles Roring) by email: 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Orchids in Manokwari

I guided 3 Australian and 1 Dutch tourists in Manokwari on a full day city tour yesterday. We explored Reremi area that was once a housing complex of Dutch people until 1962. We continued our trip to Manggoapi to see the magnificent scenery of this coastal city. I managed to take a picture of Manokwari from Manggoapi using Canon Powershot G1X.

Then we continued the tour to Amban where the State University of Papua is located. We didn't spend much time in the complex of the university. We continued our trip to Litbang area at the back of Table Mountain. There we met a Dutch man whose house is surrounded by orchids. His name is James. His wife was the one who grows the orchids. There are several species of orchids in the front and side yards of the house. Some has yellow and brown colors whereas others have pink, white and purple colors. The family also has got an oil painting of orchid flowers in the living room of the house created by an Indonesian artist. The house was built near the tropical jungle that covers the Table Mountain. It has got a very relaxing atmosphere. While the tourists were busy talking with the house owner, I spent my time taking pictures of the orchids, hibiscus flowers and golden trumpet that grow around the house. After spending around 1 hour conversation with James, we continued our trip to Pasir Putih beach. by Charles Roring

Saturday, April 13, 2013

White Flowers in Arfak Mountains

When I accompany tourists during their trekking tours in Arfak mountains, I often see various flowers that grow in the jungle. They are so colorful but there are some that are only or mostly white. The one that I saw in the elevation of approximately 2,010 meters above sea level was called Rhododendron Konori. The following photograph is the flower that I mean.
I also saw another species of flower plant that was growing on the trunk of a tree at an elevation of around 1,400 meters. I found some white flowers on the ground below the tree where the orchid grows. They were fragrant but I am not sure whether they fell from the same orchid plant.
 I took the picture of this orchid while I was trekking with four Thai tourists. We watched bowerbird, and saw some birdwing butterflies. If you know its English and Latin name, please, inform me by email to

Nuni Beach

I posted a photograph of Nuni beach in my Manokwari Ecotourism Facebook page this afternoon. My friends who saw the picture asked where it was. Nuni is located in the north coast of Manokwari city. It is a nice place for travelers who want to enjoy wave surfing during December to March. Across from the beach is a small tropical islet called Pulau Kaki. I visited the islet several times. It is a great place to enjoy snorkeling over the coral reef that thrive in the south of the islet. Visitors can rent a motorized boat from the nearby village to go to Pulau Kaki. The price is around 400 thousand rupiahs or approximately 51 US dollars. Visitors who goes to the island and enjoy snorkeling have to observe the water current that flows between the island and an a sand dune in its southeast waters particularly during the transition from low to high tide or its reverse. If it is too strong, the boat has to escort the snorkeler.

Most of the villagers work as farmers. They grow cacao trees to harvest their beans, they also have bananas, other fruit trees and vegetables. Some of the villagers work as fishermen. by Charles Roring
Also read:

Friday, March 22, 2013

Paradise Birds in Arfak Mountains

Located in the eastern part of the bird's head region of New Guinea, Arfak mountains can be considered as one of the best birding and trekking destinations in Indonesia. Several tour operators offer birding trip to the range which is only a 2-hour car trip from Manokwari city. Warmarway village that is located on the eastern coast of Arfak is a recommended place for watching Lesser Birds of Paradise (Paradisaea minor). The tree s where the birds like to gather stand on steep slopes approximately 400 meters above sea level. Birdwatchers have to cross a small river, walk up steep trails to reach the trees. A pair of binoculars, or a camera with telephoto lens is needed to caprture or make videos see the birds when they perform courtship dances.
Other lowland birds that can be seen flying over the canopy of the rainforest are Blyth's hornbill, Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indus); Sulphur Crested Cockatoo (Cacatua Galerita), frigate, and various species of kingfishers. 
The male Magnificent Birds of Paradise (Cicinnurus magnificus) that expands his feather and swings his blue antennas to impress female birds can be seen in the mornings in upper montane forest of Arfak range. Birdwatchers need to be physically fit to reach the birding ground of the bird. The indigenous people in Arfak mountains call it: knang bird.
Before the morning or afternoon shows, male Magnificent BOP has to clear the ground from fallen leaves or twigs.
Local guides can build birding hut (blind) for visitors who want to watch the Magnificent BOP. To increase the chance of sighting the birds, villagers put a red fruit (Pandanus conoideus) on a branch of a tree above the dancing ground of the birds. Birds of paradise like the fruit very much. It is not only the birds that eat the fruit but also humans.
Some researchers from Cendrawasih University even claim that red oil that is extracted from the red fruit is effective for curing patiens who suffer from cancer, HIV. Villagers in Papua have consumed red fruit oils for years. They add the oil to the vegetables that they cook and eat them with pork, or chicken and sweet potatoes. In recent years, the demand for the fruits is rising due to its medicinal merit.
As a tour guide, I have accompanied a lot of tourists on many birding trips to Arfak mountains and the North Coast of Manokwari. One day, I guided 2 Finish tourists. When they were sitting in a blind waiting for the male Magnificent BOP to come, suddenly they saw a female Lesser Birds of Paradise. It is a surprise for all of us to see her perching near the red fruit. It was the usual dancing ground of the Magnificent BOP but then a Lesser birds of paradise showed up. The red fruit that the villager had put could attract the bird. The photographer, Marko Laakonen, used a D-SLR camera that is powered with a telephoto lens to shoot the bird.
Besides watching birds, visitors can also see insects, buterfly and other animal such as Cuscus. Local guide - Yunus Sayori can attract male cuscus by imitating the voice of the female one.
Another important species of birds of paradise that can be seen in Arfak mountains is the Western Parotia. To attract females, a male Western Parotia has to perform a courtship dance. It looks like a classical ballet. He will shape his feather like a petticoat before dancing and shaking his head that is decorated with 6 antennas. His throat has got a glowing shield that reflects black, yellow and turquoise. His nose to forehead area is white. It looks contrast to his black feather. Its eyes are clear black with strong ring of blue around them. In Latin, it is called Parotia sefilata.

Other birds from Arfak Mountains
In addition to birds of paradise, birdwatchers can also see other species of birds such as Black Fantail, Hooded Pitohui, Feline Owlet-nightjar when they go trekking in the jungle.

Feline Owlet-nightjar in the forest of Arfak range

Black Fantail in Kwau forest of Arfak range
There are still more species of birds that we can see in Arfak mountains. To see them, we need to explore the jungle. Wear a good pair of sport or trekking shoes while walking in Arfak. Apply mosquito repellent lotion.

How to get to Arfak mountains?
You need to fly from your country to Jakarta - the capital of Indonesia. Then you can fly to Manokwari. There are several airlines that fly between Jakarta and Manokwari. They are the Lion Air, Express Air and Sriwijaya Air. When you arrive in Manokwari, you can meet me.  I can help you arrange your trip to Arfak especially to Warmarway village. For itineraries and prices, please contact me: Charles Roring/ E-mail:

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Trekking in Arfak

Hundreds of nature lovers go to Arfak mountains every year. They go trekking in the jungle to watch birds of paradise or see various species of plants including Orchids and Rhododendron flowers, bamboo, palms and a lot big trees. There are several villages that tourists can visit. One of them is Warmarway. Here, visitors can swim or enjoy fishing at the beach and stay for one night at a shelter that is built for tourists.
Trekking and Birdwatching
Warmarway village is a coastal village that is located on the east of the mountain range. Lesser birds of paradise can be seen in the jungle. Warmarway village is only 1 hour ride by car or motorcycle from Manokwari city.

If you are interested in visiting Warmarway, you could go there by a mountain bike, motorcycle or car. Public transportation that goes to the village is available at Wosi market. Because lesser birds of paradise in the jungle of Warmarway usually dance in the mornings and in the afternoons before sunset, you should stay there for at least one night to watch the birds. Sleeping bag and mosquito net is needed.
Before leaving for Warmarway, don't forget to buy food at local market for you and at least 2 villagers who will accompany you as local guides.
The indigenous people are friendly. Local trekking guide Yunus Sayori and the villagers of Warmarway will welcome you with smile and do their best to serve you during your trekking tour in the slopes of Arfak mountains.
After spending one or two nights in Warmarway, you could go back to the city or continue your trip further south to Ransiki town. by Charlges Roring/ E-mail:

See the map below to find where Warmarway is

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Wave Surfing at Abasi Beach of Manokwari

The waves along the north coast of Manokwari are big now. So, it is a perfect time to go surfing. Surfers from several foreign countries have visited Manokwari since December when strong winds from the North East begin to hit Manokwari coasts especially in the mornings and in the afternoons. This month, we can see some local and foreign surfers at Abasi and Bakaro beach. For foreign surfers, it is an opportunity to explore new surfing sites in the Pacific. Some of them are several experienced surfers from an international team that has traveled around the world. On the other hand, local youths who go to the sea with the international surfers see it as a chance to learn new techniques from their more experienced counterparts.
Papuan surfers in Manokwari have formed a small club called Abasi Klub Surfing. This local initiative is a trying to promote Manokwari as an alternative destination for foreign surfers who want to explore new surfing sites in Indonesia. As the largest tropical island in the world, Papua has got hundreds of kilometers of coastline that has got surfing and marine sports potentials. Members of Abasi Klub Surfing regularly practice surfing at Abasi beach and the Pantura (meaning North Coast). Most of their activities in the form of photographs and videos have been uploaded to the club's blog at This blog attracts the attention of foreign travelers and surfing enthusiasts to visit Manokwari as their next destination. In addition to surfing, other outdoor activities that visitors like to do in Manokwari are trekking, birdwatching, snorkeling and mountain biking.
If you are interested in traveling to and need more info about Manokwari, please contact me by e-mail to I will be happy to arrange your trips and provide guiding service during your stay in this regency.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Watching Lesser Birds of Paradise in Arfak mountains

A male between two female birds of paradise - photo by Charles Roring
Lesser birds of paradise (paradisaea minor) is perhaps the most popular birds in the avian world. The male bird has got beautiful brown, yellow, white and green feather that he displays during a courtship dance. The usual times for the show is in the mornings and in the evenings. Birders who want to watch the lesser birds of paradise can fly to Manokwari city - the capital of West Papua province in the Republic of Indonesia. An approximately 1 hour car ride will bring visitors to a village called Warmarway. After that, the journey will be continued on foot to ascend a steep forest to a level of around 400 meters above sea level.
In addition to watching the birds of paradise, visitors can see various species of tropical plants in Arfak mountains. At night, nocturnal animals such as cuscus will come out for mating.
Another place in Manokwari that is also a nice birding site is Asai. Birdwatchers can along along a river that divides the jungle. Tropical birds such as sulphur crested cockatoo, hornbills and various species of doves often fly over the river.
Please, contact me by e-mail: if you are interested in watching these birds in their natural habitat. by Charles Roring

Friday, February 22, 2013

Surfing in Manokwari

From December to early March, Manokwari is experiencing strong wind in its north coast. Big waves land on the beach making it as a favorite destination for wave surfers. There are a lot of places in Manokwari where surfers can enjoy their sports. Yesterday, I made some movies about how Papuan boys play with the waves. I upload some of them in Youtube. Here is the video that shows three boys surf simultaneously. Actually, this is dangerous because they many collide while riding the surfboards.

Another surfing spot where big waves can be experienced all year round is near Abasi beach. Surfers can fly to Manokwari and enjoy surfing in any month they choose. So, if you want to surf in Manokwari, please, contact me by e-mail to

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Birds of Paradise watching trip in Manokwari

Lesser Birds of Paradise in Arfak range of Manokwari
There are 39 species of birds of paradise in the world and most of them can be found in New Guinea. This tropical island is divided into 2 territories. The eastern region is the independent state of Papua New Guinea and the western one is West Papua that is under the rule of the Republic of Indonesia. There are 2 provinces in West Papua, i.e. Papua and Papua Barat. The capital of Papua is Jayapura and the capital of Papua Barat is Manokwari. 
Manokwari is a beautiful coastal city that has been considered as the best destination for birdwatchers. This town is not far from the mountain range of Arfak. Located in the south of the city, Arfak mountains are covered by dense tropical rainforest that are home to various species of birds of paradise. 
I personally have arranged tours and guided tourists to Arfak mountains, northern coast of Manokwari, Kaimana, Numfor island and Aiwatar hill in Tambraw regency of Papua Barat province. We saw various species of birds including Magnificent Birds of Paradise, Western Parotia, Lesser Birds of Paradise. We also see birdwing butterflies, beetles, tree kangaroo, cuscus possum, soa-soa, and snakes that live in the jungle of Manokwari and its surrounding regions.

Recommendes birding sites 
Some birding sites in Arfak mountains that I recommend are as follows
  • Mupi Gunung is for watching Blyth's hornbill, sulphur crested cockatoo, Lesser birds of paradise, Western Parotia, Vogelkop bowerbird, Flame bowerbird, blacksickle bill, brownsickle bill, Papuan frogmouth, and etc. Mupi Gunung is the best destination for anybody who is interested in everything rainforest. As a matter of fact, its vocal point for wildlife watching is tree kangaroo.
  • Warmarway village - this is the recommended site for watching Lesser birds of paradise. Lower montane forest birds such as sulphur crested cockatoo, pinon imperial pigeon and Brahminy kite can also be seen in the forest.
  • Kwau village (for watching Western Parotia, Magnificent birds of paradise, and Vogelkop bowerbirds). You need to take a long car trip from Manokwari to the village.

tree kangaroo
Traveling to Manokwari
It is not difficult to visit Manokwari.

  • Fly to Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.
  •  After that, take a domestic flight that is offered by Garuda Indonesia Airways, Lion Air, Sriwijaya Air, or Express Air to Manokwari. 
  • The next morning, you can continue your trip to the mountain range of Arfak to watch birds of paradise. You need to be physically fit if you want to go trekking birdwatching and wildlife watching in Manokwari.

I can arrange a birding and trekking trip for you. Your destinations can be Manokwari, Numfor island, Sorong regency, Kaimana or Raja Ampat. Please, contact me by e-mail to: or by sending text message to my cell phone: +6281332245180.