Tambrauw regency is located between Sorong and Manokwari. Most of its land area is covered by pristine tropical rainforest which is the natural habitat of various species of birds. Last week, I visited the regency and had a birdwatching trip in its forest particularly along the bank of a river. I chose river because its sides had got a wide open space that was suitable for birdwatching. I saw various species of birds that were perching on the branches of trees, flying over my head or walking on the stony ground of the river.
Watching birds along the banks of a river is highly recommended |
I highly recommend Tambrauw mountains as a destination for avid birdwatchers because their huge rainforest area.
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo in the jungle of Tambrauw Mountains |
The local government of Tambrauw regency declared their forest for conservation. So, they will not allow any destructive activities in the forest. Since birdwatching is considered as an environmentally friendly tourism activity, the government encourage eco-tourism as an alternative solution for the villagers who live around or in the forest to generate alternative income instead of logging, slash and burn farming practices and hunting.
Blyth's hornbill can easily be recognized by its fluttering sound when flying |
Where is Tambrauw regency and how to get there?
Look at the following Map. Tambrauw can easily be reached by 4WD car from Sorong city. For land tour, it is important to go by 4WD car because the terrains to Fef are very steep. The roads are unpaved. For those who are interested in snorkeling and other marine tourism activities, they can go by passenger boats from Sorong city to Sausapor. KM. Sunlia and KM. Ave Maria go back and forth to Sausapor three times a week with ticket price is between 100,000 and 150,000 rupiahs for economy class per passenger.
Traditional village of Abun tribe in Tambrauw mountains |
Most of the mountains in Tambrauw are still covered with tropical rainforest. As of today the main challenge to reach the mountains is the cost of transportation which is very expensive.
If you are interested in birdwatching in Tambrauw mountains, and need me to arrange your trip, please, contact me by email to: peace4wp@gmail.com.
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