Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Riverwalk and Camping Tour in Manokwari Forest

I have organized numerous riverwalk and camping tours in the forest of Manokwari for several years now. During the tours, visitors will be able to see the beautiful scenery of tropical rainforest, watch lowland tropical birds such as Papuan hornbills, Sulphur Crested Cockatoos, Pinon Imperial Pigeon, Yellow-faced Myna, Palm Cockatoo, Nightjar, Papuan Flowerpecker and a lot more.
In addition to birdwatching, while walking along the banks of the river or swimming in the fresh water river, visitors will be able to see colorful butterflies such as New Guinea Clipper, Cruiser butterfly, Blue Mountain Swallowtail and Birdwing Butterfly from the genus of Ornithoptera.
In addition to freshwater fish, birds, butterflies and large green trees, visitors can also see tropical flowers such as Eichornia, Small Passion Flowers and New Guinea Tulip (Spathodea campanulata) and terrestrial orchids.
As a tour guide, I provide tents, cooking and eating gear, lighting equipment, binoculars and spotting scope that are needed during the tour.
Visitors are suggested to wear water shoes and apply anti insect lotion if they want to participate in the tour.

Destination Manokwari
If you want to visit this forest, you need to fly to Manokwari city.

  • First, you need to fly from your country to Jakarta, Bali or Manado.
  • After that you can take domestic flight to Manokwari city. There are regular daily flight services provided by such airlines as Garuda, Sriwijaya, and Xpress Air.

Manokwari is a historical town. It was the first site in the whole New Guinea where Christianity for the first time was introduced by European missionaries to the indigenous Papuan people in the nearby Mansinam island on 5 February 1855. It was also an important destination for British scientist Alfred Russel Wallace in 1858 when he conducted research on natural history.
Manokwari was the headquarters for Imperial Japanese Army in late 1943 and 1944 when they were fighting against US allied forces during Pacific War. The Japanese deployed approximately 50,000 troops led by Lieutenant Fusataro Teshima from 2nd Army. They are deployed along the coast and islands in this region. We could still see old World War II bomb shelters in some parts of the city.

If you are interested in taking this riverwalk and camping tour in Manokwari, please, contact me by email to: peace4wp@gmail.com or whatsapp: +6281332245180 for customized itinerary and cost.

Watching Cockatoo in Lowland Forest of Manokwari

There is a forest area in Manokwari that is the natural habitat of several species of cockatoos. Its name is Mesirrokow located in the west of the city. It is a nice place for nature lovers who want to spend several days hiking, camping and wildlife watching in the river-forest area. From my previous riverwalk and camping tour in the region, I saw Sulphur Crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita). The whole body of this bird was white with yellow crest on top of its head. In the mornings and in the afternoon, cockatoos gathered in small groups and sat on the branches of tall trees near our tents. They made loud screeching sounds that filled the atmosphere of the surrounding forest while they were sitting or flying among the green trees.
In addition to those white cockatoos, I also saw Eclectus Parrots (Eclectus rotatus), Palm Cockatoo (Probosciger aterrimus), Western Black-capped Lory and Rainbow Lorikeet.
Large Papuan hornbill can be seen flying in the sky both in the mornings and in the afternoon.
Cockatoos are not the only birds that live in the forest of Mesirrokow. There are other birds too such as nightjar, pigeons, flowerpecker, butcherbird, and hawk. 
Visitors who want to watch birds in Mesirrokow river-forest need to bring a good pair of binoculars, and/ or spotting scope. They are very important for watching birds or other wild animals without having too close to them. 
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo eats fruits such as papaya, and bananas. In certain areas, abundant population of cockatoos may create problems among farmers. These beautiful birds may be considered as pest because they often attack fruit crops that are planted by local farmers.
As a tour guide, I offer rainforest hiking and camping tour to this jungle. Participants of the tour do not need to bring tents, and sleeping bags or cooking and eating equipment. I can provide them all including two binoculars and 1 spotting scope for watching birds and other wild animals.
Participants of the tour are advised to wear water shoes, and apply anti-insect lotion on their exposed skin.
If you are interested in watching cockatoos and other lowland birds in Manokwari, please, contact me by email to: peace4wp@gmail.com or by whatsapp to +6281332245180.

Hiking and Birdwatching in Mesirrokow river-forest of Manokwari

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Watching Nightjar in Lowland Forest of Manokwari

I have just returned from lowland forest of Manokwari. I guided two British tourists for 3 days/ 2 nights on a hiking and camping trip to watch cockatoo, hornbill, nightjar, plover, eclectus parrot and brahminy kite. We also saw beautiful scenery of the jungle and enjoyed swimming in the river.
Here is a picture of some Sulphur Crested Cockatoes (Cacatua galerita) which we saw near our camping site. Local people called the birds: kakatua putih (white cockatoo) or burung yakop. Birds were active in the mornings and in early evening. To watch them, we used binoculars, and spotting scope. I used my old Fujifilm HS50EXR to make some photographs of these cockatoo and some other birds.
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita) in lowland forest of Manokwari
At night, we had a short walk to find nightjar. We found some of them. I took several pictures of one of the nightjars. Christina, a British girl who was one of the participants of the rainforest tour, also took some pictures of the bird. We used Birds of New Guinea field guide book to try to determine the species of the nightjar. Unfortunately, we could not confirm its species name.
The eyes of this nightjar bird were glowing red when they reflected light from our torches.
Large-tailed Nightjar (Caprimulgus macrurus)
Nightjar in lowland forest of Manokwari
While walking along the banks of the river, we saw some wild flowers such as these blue-yellow terrestrial flowers (which I guessed as a kind of orchid) and yellow eichornia.
Terrestrial blue-yellow flowers
Are you planning to visit Manokwari? You could contact me by email to peace4wp@gmail.com or whatsapp +6281332245180 for rainforest tours and cost information.

riverwalk tour in West Papua

Also read:

Monday, February 20, 2017

New Hiking and Birding Destination in Manokwari - Mesirrokow River

I have been promoting a new tourist destination in Manokwari for 2 weeks now. Its name is Mesirrokow river-forest located in the northwest region of the city, approximately 1 hour drive.
Mesirrokow river is a great place for hiking, sightseeing, birdwatching, swimming and camping. In other words it is a paradise for nature lovers. There is a huge forest area that has not been explored by foreign visitors.
Watching Birds
When I guided two Swiss visitors, I saw a lot of Sulphur Crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita), Papuan Blyth's Hornbill (Rhyticeros plicatus) flying in the sky or perching on the branches of green trees. A good pair of binoculars or a spotting scope will be useful when visiting the river-forest of Mesirrokow.
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo in Mesirrokow river of Manokwari
I spent 3 days/ 2 nights exploring the river. I used 3 dome tents and a large plastic tarpauline sheet to cover us from heavy rain and strong wind.
Taking Pictures
To take pictures of birds, the scenery of the river and wild flowers, I used my old Fujifilm HS50EXR. The followings are some of the pictures that I made during the trip.
Camping at the bank of Mesirrokow river
Yellow Love Petal Flower in Mesirrokow river of Manokwari
Book your river tour in Manokwari
I offer hiking, camping and birdwatching tour for nature lovers who want to enjoy adventure in Mesirrokow river. If you are interested, please, contact me by email: peace4wp@gmail.com

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Bird Pictures from the Forest of Mesirrokow River

Sulphur Crested Cockatoo in Mesirrokow forest of Manokwari
Mesirrokow river located in the north-west area of Manokwari regency is a recommended site for watching lowland birds. I spent 3 days hiking and camping with 2 Swiss tourists several days ago. During the riverwalk, we saw a lot of birds including Pinon Imperial Pigeon, Western Black Capped Lory, Little Ringed Plover, Willie Wagtail, Nightjar, Eclectus Parrot, Palm Cockatoo, Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, and Papuan Hornbill.
Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indus) in Manokwari forest

Photographing Birds
I used my old digital camera Fujifilm HS50EXR. The camera could take some nice pictures of birds that were perching on the branches of trees or flying in the sky. Today there are bridge cameras that have longer reach but most of them are not fast enough to focus on moving subjects. For this reason, I choose this Fujifilm HS50EXR.
Papuan Blyth's hornbill in Mesirrokow forest of Manokwari
The pictures that I created my not be the best pictures for publishing industry but it is good enough for anybody to identify the species of the animals. I mostly use the photographs in my blog and social media page as promotional posts for people who are interested in taking wildlife birding tools.
In addition to birds, I also saw butterflies, bettles, fireflies, flowers, fish, lizards, and wonderful scenery of Mesirrokow river.

Birding Device
I use two binoculars for birdwatching, one for me and another one for my guests. Most often, visitors bring their own binoculars.
If you plan to visit Mesirrokow river for birdwatching, I highly recommend that you also bring a spotting scope + tripod and adapter for smart-phone or camera. It will be a great device for watching birds and other animals.

How to visit Mesirrokow river
  • Fly from your country to Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.
  • Fly to Manokwari city (there are daily flights provided by such airlines as Garuda, Xpress Air, Sriwijaya.
  • I could meet you at the airport or hotel where you stay and organize your trip to the river.
Hiking Sightseeing and Birdwatching in Mesirrokow river of Manokwari
Booking a Birding Tour
Suppose that you plan to visit West Papua for birdwatching, don't forget to contact me by e-mail: peace4wp@gmail.com for booking a birding tour in Mesirrokow river of Manokwari regency.

After hiking, camping and birding in  Mesirrokow  river, you could continue your holiday by Taking a Snorkeling Holiday in Mansinam Island

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Flowers in the River-Forest of Manokwari

Flowers in the Mesirrokow river-forest
While I was guiding two Swiss tourists along the banks of Mesirrokow river-forest, I saw some interesting flowers. Some of them were New Guinea tulip (also called spathodea), eichhornia and other species that I don't know their names. In my previous hiking trips in the same region, I saw Faradaya splendida glory vine flowers, Thunbergia grandiflora and Ipomoea morning glory. Flowers like to grow near the river because they need water to survive. Mesirrokow river is located in the northwest of Manokwari, approximately 50 kilometers from the city.
Flowers in lowland of West Papua's rainforest
New Guinea Tulip (Spathodea campanulata) at the bank of Mesirrokow river
Glory Vine (Faradaya splendida)
Glory Vine (Faradaya splendida)
Hiking and Birdwatching
In addition to flowers, the forest edges along the Mesirrokow river of Manokwari was an ideal site for hiking and birdwatching. With 2 good pairs of binoculars, we were able to see a lot of Papuan Blyth's hornbills, and Sulphur Crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita). Mesirrokow river was also a place where I was able to see and take picture of Large-tailed Nightjar (Caprimulgus mucrurus). I also took some good pictures of Willie Wagtail and Little Ringed Plover.
Large-tailed Nightjar (Caprimulgus macrurus) 
With my Fujifilm HS50EXR, I could shoot Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indus) that was hovering in the sky above the trees in search of fish and other prey.
Willie Wagtail (Rhipidura leucophrys) at the river forest of Mesirrokow of Manokwari
I spent 3 days/ 2 nights camping and hiking in the banks of Mesirrokow river to see its beautiful scenery and explore the wealth of its bio-diversity.

Booking a rainforest tour
If you want to take a hiking and camping tour in Mesirrokow river of Manokwari regency, please, contact me (Charles Roring) by e-mail: peace4wp@gmail.com or by text/ whatsapp message to: +6281332245180.
Hiking along the bank of Mesirrokow river of Manokwari

Hiking and Camping in Mesirrokow Forest of Manokwari

I have just returned from the jungle of Mesirrokow in the northwest of Manokwari. The lowland river forest in the area is an ideal place for hiking, camping and birdwatching. During the 3-day/ 2-night tour, I saw such birds as Sulphur Crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita), Brahmimy Kite (Haliastur indus), Large-tailed Nightjar (Caprimulgus mucrurus), Little Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius), Grey Crow (Corvus tristis), Willie Wagtail (Rhypidura leucophrys), Papuan hornbill (Rhyiceros plicatus).
Camping in the river-forest of Mesirrokow of Manokwari
I also saw soa-soa lizard that was running away from us when he heard our foot-steps. Perhaps, he was drinking water from the river. There were also footprints of deers and wild-pigs that we saw on the sand banks of the rivers.
Most of the area on both sides of the river was flat. It was an ideal place for nature lovers who want to explore the tropical rainforest of West Papua.
In addition to birds, and butterflies, the river environment in Mesirrokow forest has got some colorful aquatic flowers, perhaps from the genus of eichhornia and New Guinea passion flowers that look small but beautiful.

Riverwalk in Mesirrokow forest of Manokwari
Hiking, Camping, and Birdwatching Tour
As a tour guide, I could organize 3 to 5 days tour in the river-forest of Mesirrokow. Visitors will stay at the tents that will be built on the sand banks of the river. Riverwalk, birdwatching, swimming or fishing are some of the works which tourists can do in the river.
For birdwatching, Mesirrokow river is an ideal site for watching lowland birds. There are plenty of Papuan hornbill, and Sulphur Crested Cockatoo along the forest edges. A good pair of binoculars or spotting scope is needed to watch birds that perch on distant trees or fly in the sky.
Nature lovers can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the forest if they walk deeper into the jungle.

How to visit Mesirrokow River Forest?

  • Just fly from your country to Jakarta (the capital of Indonesia)
  • Continue your air trip to Manokwari. Flight services are provided by Garuda, Sriwijaya, Express Air to Manokwari.
  • I could meet you at Manokwari airport or a hotel and organize tour to the jungle.
What you need to bring
  • Water shoes and flip-flops
  • Anti-insect lotion and sun block
  • Flashlight/ torch
  • Spotting scope/ binoculars
  • Birds of New Guinea by Thane K Pratt and Bruce Beehler (as your birding reference)
  • Ziploc bags for your passport and electronic devices (camera, cell phone, etc.)
Please, contact me (Charles Roring) by e-mail to: peace4wp@gmail.com
Little Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius) at the bank of Mesirrokow river - Manokwari

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Birdwatching in Manokwari's River Forest

Papuan Flowerpecker (Dicaeum pectorale)
This bird is called Papuan Flowerpecker (Dicaeum pectorale). The picture was made by a Swedish birdwatcher in the lowland forest of Manokwari. The red patch on the breast of the bird is the physical sign of male bird. The female bird doesn't have it.
There are a lot of species of birds that we can see if we explore the lowland rainforest that is located in the north west of Manokwari city. From my previous birding trips un the region, I saw a lot of birds. Some of them include Hooded Butcherbird (Cracticus cassicus), Azzure Kingfisher (Alcedo azurea), Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus), Common Sandpiper (Tringa hypoleucos), and Moluccan King Parrot (Alisterus amboinensis).
The easiest place to watch the birds is along the banks of a river in northwest of Manokwari. The river banks provide long walking path and large clearing area to watch birds.

Birding Tour
As a tour guide, I can organize a birding tour for visitors who are interested in watching birds in the lowland and higher montane forest of Manokwari. The duration of the tour is usually 3 days for lowland and 3 days for higher montane forest.

Flight to Manokwari
  • You could fly from your country to Jakarta (the capital of Indonesia)
  • After that, you could take domestic flight to Manokwari. There are regular daily flights between Jakarta and Manokwari served by Garuda, Xpress Air, Sriwijaya Air. 
  • I can meet you at the airport to organize the birding trips to Manokwari.

Please, contact me (Charles Roring) by email to: peace4wp@gmail.com or by text message/ whatsapp to my number +6281332245180.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Birdwatching in Manokwari Forest

Manokwari is a famous destination for birdwatchers
Manokwari regency has been visited by birdwatchers for years. Birding activities can be done in lowland and montane forests. A lot of species of birds can be seen if we walk along a clearing area in the jungle such as the banks of a river. Tropical birds such as Pinon Imperial Pigeon (Ducula pinon), Black-capped Lory (Lorius lory), Moluccan King-Parrot (Alisterus amboinensis), Papuan Flowerpecker (Dicaeum pectorale) and Azure Kingfisher (Alcedo azurea) can be seen in the lowland forest. My favorite birding site is Mesirrokow forest. I usually spend 3 days/ 2 nights walking along the sides of the river to find Palm Cockatoo, Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Yellow-faced Myna, Little-ringed Plover, Rainbow Bee-eater, Brahminy Kite, Variable Goshawk, Pink-spotted Fruit Dove, Lowland Peltop, Eclectus Parrot. 
Lesser Birds of Paradise (Paradisaea minor)
Lesser Birds of Paradise in Susnguakti forest of Manokwari
In Susnguakti forest, the usual birds that I see are Lesser Birds of Paradise, King Bird of Paradise, Magnificent Riflebird, Hooded Butcherbird, Yellow-capped Pygmy Parrot, Rufous-bellied Kookaburra, Marbled Frogmouth, Hooded Pitta, Helmetted Friarbird, Fairy Lorikeet, Red-bellied Pitta, Common Paradise Kingfisher, Azure Kingfisher, Yellow-billed Kingfisher, and etc. Tourists like to visit this forest because they could also see other animals as well such as cuscus possum, bandicoot, and Papua forest dragon.
Birding Device
I highly suggest that birdwatchers bring a good pair of binoculars, a spotting scope + universal stand mount for cell phone (this is important for taking pictures of birds using spotting scope and cell phone) and a tripod. I often see birdwatchers who carry a big D-SLR camera with super telephoto lens.
I used to carry Nikon Coolpix P500, and then P600. Now I use Fujifilm HS50EXR.

Level of Difficulties
For birdwatching in the lowland area of Manokwari is considered very easy because most of the land is flat as you could see in the picture.
For birdwatching in Arfak mountains where the slopes are steep, the level of difficulties is moderate to tough.

Guided Birding Tours
As a tour guide, I can organize birding tour for visitors who are interested in watching tropical birds in lowland and in mountainous region. The cost depends on the duration of the tours and places that we plan to visit. Please, contact me Charles Roring by email: peace4wp@gmail.com to get customized itinerary and price.

SNORKELING and BIRDING in Mansinam Island
Elegant Imperial Pigeon (Ducula concinna)
from Mansinam island
After birding tour in the jungle, visitors could spend several days snorkeling and birding in Mansinam island as well as coastal region around Manokwari city which is the habitat of butterflyfish, surgeonfish, moorish idol, parrotfish,

Just contact me again by email to: peace4wp@gmail.com or by whatsapp/ text message to: +6281332245180.

Also read:

Birding Tour in The Forest of Manokwari

Lowland Rainforest of Manokwari
Birdlife in Tropical Moist Lowland Forest of Manokwari
The lowland forest of Manokwari is rich in birdlife. It is a good destination for visitors who want to see Papuan hornbill (Rhyticeros plicatus), Sulphur Crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita), Palm Cockatoo (Probosciger aterrimus), Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus rotatus), Large Fig Parrot (Psittaculirostris desmarestii), Pinon Imperial Pigeon (Ducula pinon), Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indus), Beautiful Fruit Dove (Ptilinopus pulchellus), Magnificent Riflebird (Ptiloris magnificus), Golden Myna (Mino anais), Yellow-faced Myna (Mino dumontii), Helmetted Friarbird (Philemon bucheroides) and a lot more.

Palm Cockatoo
Birding Tour
As a tourist guide, I have organized a lot of hiking and birdwatching tours in various places across West Papua. One of the destinations is the lowland rainforest of Manokwari. The duration of the birding tour is between 3 to 6 days. Because the birding activity in lowland forest is conducted in the middle of the jungle along the banks of a river, visitors will stay in tents.
I could provide tents, sleeping bags as well as other cooking and eating equipment so that visitors do not need to bring heavy bags from their home.

Birding Device
Visitors who are interested in watching birds in lowland forest of Manokwari should bring at least a good pair of binoculars.
Serious birdwatchers will bring spotting scope with tripod, laser pointer, sound recorder and a digital camera with super telephoto lens.
Field Guide
For birding in Manokwari, visitors are advised to buy Birds of New Guinea (written by Thane K Pratt and Bruce Beehler).

Please, contact me Charles Roring by email to: peace4wp@gmail.com or send text message/ whatsapp to: +6281332245180

In addition to watching birds in the jungle of mainland West Papua, visitors can enjoy swimming, snorkeling over the coral reef of Mansinam island. It can be done before or after the birding tour.
The beach front is a good site for snorkeling. Tropical fish such as moorish idol, parrotfish, damselfish, boxfish, surgeonfish and anemonefish can be seen at the depths between 1 to 5 meters below sea level.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Birdwatching in Lowland Forest of Manokwari

Riverwalk birding tour with Charles Roring in Manokwari of West Papua
Hiking and Birding in Lowland Rainforest of Manokwari
I visited lowland forest of northwest region of Manokwari yesterday. I went hiking a long the banks of a river to see its beautiful scenery and to watch birds and butterflies. I brought a pair of binoculars and an old camera of mine - the Fujifilm HS50EXR.

Riverwalk and Birding Tour

During the riverwalk, I was able to see Sulphur Crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita), Pinon Imperial Pigeon (Ducula pinon), Palm Cockatoo (Probosciger aterrimus), Eclectus Parrots (Eclectus roratus), Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indus), Papuan hornbills (Rhyticeros plicatus). There are some other birds that flew in the sky or perched on branches of trees which I could not identify.

Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus) in the forest of Manokwari. Birding tour in West Papua with Charles Roring
Eclectus Parrots in Lowland Forest of Manokwari

Lowland Forest of Manokwari

Birds such as hornbill, cokcatoo and hawk choose big trees such as ironwood tree, strangler ficus tree, nutmeg tree and kayu perahu tree as their nests. For dwarf kingfisher, and yellow-billed kingfisher, they prefer smaller trees near the river. I used to see kingfisher that perched on a vine that was hanging over a small river. The bird chose a vine or a twig near or above a river as its waiting platform to watch and catch fish.
The lowland forest the place for visitors who want to see a lot of species of plants including giant trees with big buttresses, or small mushrooms that glow at night.

Riverwalk, birding and camping tour with Charles Roring in Manokwari of West Papua, Indonesia
Camping tour at the bank of a river in Manokwari

Camping, Swimming and Fishing

The best way to explore the natural habitat of the forest is by installing tents near the river. I have done this with tourists fro Switzerland, the United Kingdom, China and France. These tourists enjoyed the tour very much because they could see Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, Pinon Imperial Pigeon, and Little ringed Plover, Willie Wagtail, Brahminy Kite, and Kingfisher.
Tourists could enjoy swimming as much as they like or fishing. Local hunters gave us some fish which they caught in the river and we fried them for our lunch.
White cockatoo in the forest of Manokwari. Birding tour with tourist guide Charles Roring
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
As a tourist guide, I provide tents, cooking and eating equipment for visitors who want enjoy hiking, camping and wildlife watching in this lowland river forest of Manokwari. Tourists do not need to brig heavy tents and cooking gear.
However, if possible, tourists bring a good pair binoculars, flashlight, camera, and clothings that are suitable for rainforest tour and swimming in the river. Insect repellent lotion and sunblock lotion will be useful during the birding tour along the banks of the river.

Rainforest Birding Tour

As a tourist guide, I could organize a tour for visitors who want to enjoy birdwatching in the lowland rainforest of Manokwari. The usual duration of the tour is 3 days/ 2 nights or 4 days/ 3 nights. Avid birdwatchers prefer at least 3 days in lowland forest and 3 days in higher montane forest.

If you are interested in taking hiking and birding tour in lowland rainforest of Manokwari, please, contact me (Charles Roring) by email to: peace4wp@gmail.com if you are interested in rainforest tour in Manokwari.

In addition to taking the jungle tour, visitors can also enjoy snorkeling and easy walking tour in Mansinam island. They can do it before or after the birding tour in lowland rainforest of Manokwari.

Don't forget to bring your own snorkeling gear (mask, snorkel, and fins) if you want to enjoy snorkeling in Mansinam. Make sure you don't step on coral reef or sea urchin.

Please, contact me (Charles Roring) to: peace4wp@gmail.com or by sending text message (whatsapp is ok) to my number: +6281332245180.

Also read:
Watching Red and Black Anemonefish