Thursday, September 28, 2017

Willie Wagtail in Mesirrokow Forest of Manokwari

Here is the picture of Willie Wagtail (Rhypidura leucophrys) that I saw in Mesirrokow river forest of Manokwari. The bird likes to play on dry wood that has been washed to the shore of a river waiting to catch insects. The birds can be seen in other areas of Manokwari particularly in trees near small lakes.
The bird is also abundant in Numfor island.
Willie Wagtail
Willie Wagtail in Manokwari forest

Mesirrokow river-forest is a highly recommended site in Manokwari that is suitable for visitors who want to enjoy riverwalking and birdwatching. I have organized a number of camping trips to the area for visitors who come from Switzerland, France, and the United Kingdom, other European countries.
If you are interested in camping and birding in Mesirrokow lowland river-forest area of Manokwari, please, contact me by email to: or send text message to my whatsapp: +6281332245180.

Variable Goshawk in Mesirrokow Forest of Manokwari

This is the picture of Variable Goshawk (Accipiter hiogaster) that I took in Mesirrokow forest of Manokwari. The forest has been considered as a highly recommended site for watching lowland birds of New Guinea particularly for the ones that live in vogelkop region.
Variable Goshawk in Mesirrokow Forest of Manokwari
I made the picture when I was guiding a French visitor who spent 4 days/ 3 nights swimming, hiking, birding and camping in the area. In addition to the goshawk, we also saw other birds such as Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, Dollarbird, Rainbow Bee-eater, Brahminy Kite, Little Egret, Yellow-faced Myna, Little-ringed Plover, Palm Cockatoo, Willie Wagtail, Moustached Tree Swift and Black-capped Lory.
In my previous trips to this forest, I saw Large-tailed Nightjar, Yellow Capped Pygmy Parrot, Golden Myna, Grey Goshawk, Papuan Flowerpecker, and Pinon Imperial Pigeon.
The rainforest of Mesirrokow is still in its earliest development as destination for eco-tourism. There are no guesthouses, toilets, and other support facilities for tourists. Although the forest is lack of facilities, it is still attracting tourists who go there to watch birds and enjoy the river and forest scenery of Manokwari.
Most tourists enjoy 3 days/ 2 nights camping, hiking, birding and swimming in Mesirrokow forest. For avid birdwatchers, they can spend up to 1 week birding in the area. If you are interested in birding and camping in the forest of Mesirokow, please, contact me by email to: or send text message to my whatsapp: +6281332245180.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Camping Site in Arfak Mountains

Basecamp in Arfak range
I went to Mount Mabowi of Arfak mountains last week. I spent three nights there repairing our tents. We use them to serve our visitors who want to explore the bio-diversity of tropical rainforest of Arfak mountains. There are a lot of trees, shrubs, lianas and creeping plants, orchids, and mushrooms that we can see in the jungle. Insects such as butterflies, dragon flies, ants and grasshopper are abundant. There are also lizards, frogs and birds as well as marsupial animals that can be found in the forest.
Most visitors stay between 3 to 4 days hiking and camping in Mount Mabowi. They enjoy watching birds, observing tropical plants and animals of New Guinea.
If you are interested in taking a hiking and camping tour with me in Mount Mabowi of Arfak range, please, contact me by e-mail to: or text message to my whatsapp: +6281332245180

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Rainforest Tour in Tambrauw Mountains

There is a very nice destination for rainforest tour in West Papua province of Indonesia. Its name is Tambrauw mountains. It is located between Manokwari and Sorong regency. Tropical rainforest that covers the mountains is the natural habitat of deer, cuscus possum, wallaby, tree kangaroo, and a lot of species of birds such as Lesser Birds of Paradise, King Bird of Paradise, Magnificent Riflebird and Magnificent Bird of Paradise.
I offer rainforest birding and wildlife watching tour in Tambrauw mountains.
Rainforest in Tambrauw Mountains
Because of its remote location, the cost of traveling to the regency is quite expensive. I suggest that visitors go there in a group of at least 2 to 4 people. I could guide a solo traveling visitor too as long as he or she is willing to pay for the cost of the trip. By traveling in small group, visitors can share the cost of transportation, food, local guides, and accommodation. The trip to Tambrauw mountains may include camping near a river, hiking in the jungle and walking in remote roads along a mountain ridge or a cliff. These area will provide open spaces or forest clearings where visitors can watch birds and other wild animals easily.
This ground orchid plant grow in tropical rainforest of West Papua particularly in Tambrauw mountains

If you are interested in visiting Tambrauw mountains to explore its the bio-diversity of its rainforest and want me to be your guide, please, contact me by email to: or send text message to my whatsapp: +6281332245180.