Female Eclectus Parrot |
Here is the picture of a female Eclectus Parrot that was flying fast in Waigeo island. The bird had red wing feather and blue underparts with dark beak. I also saw a male one but my camera could not follow him. He had green feather with red feather under his wings. They are sexually dimorphic. Eclectus Parrot live in lowland and lower montane forest of mainland New Guinea and a lot of smaller islands around it.
It is easy to see them in Klasow valley of Sorong regency and Mesirokow forest in lowland region of Manokwari. When I visited Numfor island in Cendrawasih bay of West Papua, I saw them too. Local people considered the birds as pests. They caught them and sold the birds to pet lovers in Manokwari city or Biak town.
Eclectus Parrot in Numfor island |