Raja Ampat regency is now an emerging destination for tourists who like nature. Every day a lot of tourists go there to explore the natural beauty of its rainforest and coral reef.
As a tourist guide, I often accompany visitors on snorkeling, and birding tours to Waigeo, Kabui, Gam, Mansuar and even Arborek, and Piaynemo islands. The trip to this region is fascinating because we can see a lot of species of tropical birds and fish.
Red Bird of Paradise |
One of my favorite birding and snorkeling site is Warduwer beach in Waigeo island. Here, the birds that we could watch are Palm Cockatoo, Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Eclectus Parrot, Pinon Imperial Pigeon, Pied Imperial Pigeon, Brahminy Kite, Eastern Osprey, Lesser-crested Tern, White-bellied Sea Eagle, Rufous-bellied Kookaburra, Red Bird of Paradise, Blyth's Hornbill, Spangled Drongo, Beach Kingfisher, Dusky Scrubfowl, Olive-backed Sunbird, Singing Starling, Puff-backed Meliphaga, Torresian Crow, and a lot more.
Papuan Hornbill |
Coral reef at Warduwer beach is in pristine condition. Various kinds of corals can be seen at this beach from brain, staghorn to table corals. They become the natural habitat of such fish as Three-spots Dascyllus, Pink Anemonefish, Butterflyfish, Sweetlips, Lionfish, Parrotfish, Wrasse, and a lot more.
Coral Reef in the waters of Warduwer beach - Raja Ampat |
In addition to snorkeling and birding, a boat trip to karst islets inside Kabui bay will greatly enhance the experience of tour participants.
Marine Life in Raja Ampat |
If you are interested in traveling to Raja Ampat and want me to organize your tour, please, contact me by email to: peace4wp@gmail.com or by whatsapp to: +6281332245180.