Saturday, July 13, 2024

Birding in Malagufuk with 5 British Birdwatchers

I am now in Malagufuk village organizing a 5 day- 4 night birdwatching tour with 5 British visitors and their tour organizer. We have been spending 4 days exploring  rainforest to watch a lot of species of birds. Tomorrow, we will be our last day in this village. 

Western-crowned Pigeon (Goura cristata)
Western-crowned Pigeon

So far, we have seen birds such as:

  • Rufous-bellied Kookaburra
  • Red-breasted Paradise Kingfisher
  • Azure Kingfisher
  • Papuan Dwarf Kingfisher
  • Yellow-billed Kingfisher
  • Common Paradise Kingfisher
  • Blue-Black Kingfisher
  • Large Fig Parrot
  • Eclectus Parrot
  • Moluccan King Parrot
  • Red-cheeked Parrot
  • Coconut Lorikeet
  • Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
  • Palm Cockatoo
  • Black Lory
  • Black-capped Lory
  • Frilled Monarch
  • Black-sided Robin
  • Black-browed Triller
  • Mimic Meliphaga
  • Tawny Straightbill
  • Papuan Frogmouth
  • Marbled Frogmouth
  • Papuan Boobook
  • Papuan Nightjar
  • Rufous Owl
  • Pinon Imperial Pigeon
  • Zoe Imperial Pigeon
  • Western-crowned Pigeon
  • Purple-tailed Imperial Pigeon
  • Orange-bellied Fruit Dove
  • Pink-spotted Fruit Dove
  • Beautiful Fruit Dove
  • Great Cuckoo Dove
  • Brown Cuckoo Dove
  • Papuan Babbler
  • Blue Jewel Babbler
  • Hooded Butcherbird
  • Black Butcherbird
  • Lesser Birds of Paradise
  • King Bird of Paradise
  • Magnificent Riflebird
  • Twelve-wired Bird of Paradise
  • Glossy-mantled Manucode
  • White-bellied Cuckooshrike
  • Boyer's Cuckooshrike
  • Papuan Black Cicadabird
  • Yellow-faced Myna
  • Golden Myna
  • Hemeted Friarbird
  • Brown Oriole
  • Yellow-bellied Longbill
  • Spotted Honeyeater
  • Tawny-breasted Honeyeater
  • Frilled Monarch
  • Hooded Pitta
  • Papuan Pitta
  • Channel-billed Cuckoo
  • White-crowned Cuckoo
  • Ivory-billed Cuckoo
  • Spangled Drongo
  • Oriental Dollarbird
  • Moustached Treeswift
  • Glossy Swiftlet
  • Olive-crowned Flowerpecker
  • Sahul Sunbird
  • Black Sunbird
  • Gray-headed Goshawk
  • and etc.

There are more targets that we haven't seen although we have heard some of their sounds. They include Pheasant Pigeon, Purple-tailed Imperial Pigeon, White-crowned Cuckoo, Lowland Peltop, Trumpet Manucode, and Wallace Owlet Nightjar.

I have guided tourists to Malagufuk for years since 2014. I introduced birding for the first time to villagers when the whole community in birding industry had not known the existence of the village. There were no boardwalk, guesthouses, toilets, and 4G internet connection. Now, more facilities have allowed visitors to enjoy more comfortable birding experience. I hope other villages in West Papua could adopt more enviromentally friendly development so that they could preserve their tropical rainforest and coral reef. 

We experience rain everyday, the path is very muddy. All of us have to wear rubber boots. 

I bring my 10×50 binoculars, portabe loudspeaker, laser pointer, and spotting scope. I don't use them. All of my clients are experienced birdwatchers. They bring their own equipment.

After this, I will guide a small group of birders from Spain to Klabili village and Sausapor town in Tambrauw Mountains. And then I will visit the highland of Minahasa in North Sulawesi Province of the Republic of Indonesia. This trip report is written by Charles Roring.


Minahasa is a regency in North Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. It has got fertile land both in the coastal and mountainous region. Local villagers grow such crops such as vanilla, clove, rice, corn, papaya, banana, rambutan, durian, spring onion, chilli, tomato and etc. 

The agricultural produce such as carrots, cabbage, palm sugar, eggs, pork and fish are sold in towns and cities in North Sulawesi as well as other parts in eastern region of Indonesia.

agricultural crops which local farmers grow
Agricultural Crops in Minahasa highland

During the tour, participants could also visit traditional market to see the agricultural produce and various kinds of products such as smoked bluefin tuna, fresh tilapia fish, fruits and vegetables and etc which the Minahasan people buy and sell.

traditional market in Subdistrict Sonder of Minahasa
Agricultural produce in a traditional market in Subdistrict Sonder of Minahasa regency, Indonesia

If you are interested in taking farm tour in Minahasa highland and want me to organize your trip, please, contact me by email to: or by whatsapp to: +6281332245180.

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