Friday, August 2, 2024

Birding and Snorkeling in Waigeo Raja Ampat with A Couple from the US

I am now in Waigeo of Raja Ampat. I am guiding a couple from the United States. We went to the forest yesterday to watch paradise birds. We watched Red Bird of Paradise and Wilson's Bird of Paradise. 

Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus)
Eclectus Parrot

Until today, we have seen such birds as Black-naped Tern, Glossy-mantled Manucode, Torresian Crow, Matsudaira's Storm Petrel, Lesser Frigatebird, Blyth's Hornbill, Palm Cockatoo, Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Eclectus Parrot, Red-cheeked Parrot, Hooded Butcherbird, Pinon Imperial Pigeon, Pied Imperial Pigeon, Ruby-throated Myzomela, Cinnamon Ground Dove, Brown Cuckoo-dove, Claret-breasted Fruit-dove, Willie Wagtail, Lesser Frigatebird, Glossy Swiftlet, Uniform Swiftlet, Moustached Treeswift, Beach Kingfisher, Sacred Kingfisher, Rufous-bellied Kookaburra, Rainbow Bee-eater, Spangled Drongo, Mimic Meliphaga, Puff-backed Meliphaga, Brahminy Kite, Variable Goshawk, Long-tailed Honey-buzzard, Raja Ampat Pitohui, Helmeted Friarbird, Brown Oriole, Olive-crowned Flowerpecker, Papuan Frogmouth, Papuan Boobook, and etc.

Brown Oriole
Brown Oriole
Long-tailed Honey-buzzard (Henicopernis longicauda)
Long-tailed Honey buzzard
Because Raja Ampat is still in wave season, my clients only enjoyed snorkeling at the house reef of the resort. The sea in Southern Waigeo is calm. 
At Port of Waisai


Sonder is a small subdistrict town in Minahasa regency of North Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. It is a nice place for farm tour and easy birding walk. 
Barred Rail in Minahasa regency
Barred Rail
The paddy field areas of Subdistrict Sonder are the habitat of White-browed Crake, Buff-banded Rail, Barred Rail, Scaly-breasted Munia, Chestnut Munia, Little Egret, Cattle Egret, Purple Heron, Collared Kingfisher. 
White-browed Crake in Minahasa
White-browed Crake
When we walk into the wooded farm, we will see more interesting birds such as Ashy Woodpecker, Sulawesi Pygmy Woodpecker, Sulawesi Hanging Parrot, Black-naped Oriole, Grey-cheeked Green Pigeon, Finch-billed Myna, Sulphur-bellied Whistler, Sulawesi Myzomela, Crimson-crowned Flowerpecker,  Crimson Sunbird, Zebra Dove, Rock Pigeon, Sulawesi Cuckoo-dove, Sooty-headed Bulbul, and etc.
Sulawesi Hanging Parrot
Sulawesi Hanging Parrot
The duration of stay which tourists can spend in Sonder town is at least 3 days/ 2 nights. 
Subdistrict Sonder is a highly recommended destination for visitors who are interested in seeing agricultural land as well as watching birds and butterflies. 
Visitors could walk through the farmland to see various crops that villagers grow such as rice, corn, peanuts, banana, papaya, cabbage, mustard green, chilli, tomatoes, and a lot more. 
food crops in agricultural land of Minahasa
Agricultural Crops in Minahasa highland

If you are interested in birding in Minahasa of North Sulawesi Province of Indonesia and want me to organize your trip, please, contact me by whatsapp to: +6281332245180 or by email to:

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