Wildlife Watching, Birding and Photography Tours in Sorong city, Malagufuk of Klasouw valley of Sorong regency, Klabili and Sausapor in Tambrauw, Waigeo and Salawati in Raja Ampat of West Papua as well as Sonder, Tomohon, Mount Mahawu, Manado, Tangkoko Nature Reserve in North Sulawesi. I support community based tourism. Please, contact me (Charles Roring) by whatsapp to +6281332245180 or by e-mail to: peace4wp@gmail.com.
Saturday, November 30, 2024
Birdwatching in the Farmland of Sonder of Minahasa Highland
My Minahasa Highland Tour yesterday was about birdwatching and butterfly watching in the high elevation farmland of Subdistrict Sonder. I went there by motorcycle which took me around 10 minutes to reach it. The forest and the farm were still covered by fog. So, I only spent around 30 minutes birding in one place.
Warbling White-eye
At that time, I saw Black-faced Munia, Warbling White-eye, Gray Wagtail, Crimson Sunbird, Hair-crested (White-eyed Drongo), Barred Rail, Sulawesi Cuckoo-dove, White-bellied Imperial Pigeon, Sahul Sunbird, and, again a bird that looks like, a Van Hasselt's Sunbird. Because the high elevation forest and farmland of Subdistrict Sonder was still in foggy condition, the pictures that I made were not so clear.
Manado Yellow Tiger Butterfly
For instance, this Sulawesi Cuckoo-dove that was sitting on the branch of a tree at the side of the road. I thought there was only 1 bird in the tree. As a matter of fact, when I was walking closer towards the tree, I saw 3 Sulawesi Cuckoo-doves flying away.
Black-faced Munia (This picture was taken under foggy condition)
More birds were hopping around the branches of the tree but they could not be photographed easily because of the fog. At around 08:00, the fog disappeared but birds had flown into deeper forest to cooler area. I slowly rode my motorcycle down the slope. I saw Yellow-billed Malkoha landed on a branch of a tree of the slope. He was there for around 3 minutes and then flew again into deeper forest.
Yellow-billed Malkoha
White-breasted Woodswallow
I still continued my birding tour that morning by motorcycle. I saw a few Collared Kingfisher sitting on higher branches. Perhaps, late November was their mating season. There were also Sulawesi Crow and White-breasted Woodswallow that were sitting at lower branch of trees. Sooty-headed Bulbul was very common. We could easily see them in farmland, forest edges and at the frontyard of the villagers.
Black Kite
Black Kite was soaring low looking for its prey. I aimed my camera at the bird and shot him several times. There was still some fog in the air. Farmland of Minahasa highland is rich of food crops. It attracts insects and rats. Birds that like to eat insect such as the kingfisher and the bird of prey that eats mouse could be found in the farmland. There were a lot of other birds that I saw during the morning tour in the farmland. I will write more about them in my next posts.
Farmland in Minahasa regency
Where is Sonder?
Sonder is a small subdistrict town in Minahasa regency of North Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. It is surrounded by vegetable and fruit gardens, plantations (dry farmland), paddy fields (wet farmland) and forest. Sonder could be reached by car from Manado city for around 1 hour. Visitors need to fly to Manado city of Indonesia in order to explore the mountainous region of Minahasa with its beautiful landscape, forest, lakes, waterfalls, rivers, and farmland.
How to get to Sonder town in Minahasa highland?
Every day, there are regular flights that connect Manado with some major cities of Indonesia such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Makassar, Denpasar and Sorong. They are served by Garuda, Citilink, Super Air Jet, Lion Air, Batik Air, and TransNusa.
Car route between Sonder town and Manado city
Subdistrict Sonder in Minahasa regency of Indonesia
There are homestays in Sonder town. There are also hotels in the nearby Tomohon town which visitors can choose to stay.
If you are interested in taking a sightseeing, farmtour and birding trip in Minahasa highland of the Province of North Sulawesi; and want me to organize your trip and guide you, please, contact me by whatsapp to: +6281332245180 or by email to: peace4wp@gmail.com.
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