Birding in Tangkoko Nature Reserve

Tangkoko Batuangus Nature Reserve is a lowland forest in the Province of North Sulawesi. It is a site for birding And wildlife watching. There are a lot of species of birds that can be watched in Tangkoko. Some of them are listed below:

  • Green-backed Kingfisher - This kingfisher is often seen sitting alone one a lower branch of a tree. Because it is used to being photographed by visitors, the bird is not afraid of human. However, the green colour of its wings sometimes makes it difficult for elderly birdwatchers to spot the bird. 
Green-backed Kingfisher (Actenoides monachus)
Green-backed Kingfisher
  • Sulawesi Lilac Kingfisher can be rather shy when birdwatchers want to take its pictures from close distance.
Lilac-cheeked Kingfisher in Tangkoko forest
Sulawesi Lilac Kingfisher
  • Ruddy Kingfisher
  • Sulawesi Dwarf Kingfisher
  • Great-billed Kingfisher
  • Black-naped Fruit Dove
  • Gray-cheeked Green Pigeon - This bird is often seen in a flock. They like to gather in fruiting trees.
Gray-cheeked Green Pigeon
Gray-cheeked Green Pigeon in Subdistrict Sonder of Minahasa regency
  • Green Imperial Pigeon
  • White-bellied Imperial Pigeon
  • Sulawesi-crested Myna
  • Knobbed Hornbill
  • Sulawesi (Pygmy) Hornbill
  • Purple-winged Roller
  • Sulawesi Hanging Parrot
  • Sulawesi Pitta
  • Barred Rail
  • White-rumped Cuckooshrike
  • Great-billed Heron

 It can be reached from Manado city by car for approximately one and a half hour. 

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